Anonymous ID: f3763c June 19, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.1811412   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Two dozen Wisconsin National Guard soldiers and airmen are headed to the Mexico border to help Arizona National Guardsmen and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents.


The volunteers come from several units throughout Wisconsin and are expected to be in Arizona by the end of the week.

Anonymous ID: f3763c June 19, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.1811502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1533


>Witness runs for Governor.

>Keeps unspent funds.


This is exactly it re: Amanda Renteria. Guess it's time to see if we can find her campaign filing statements in CA. I know how to do it for many other states. Time to learn something new.


These accounts are so loosely monitored that candidates can live out of them for years without anyone blinking. All the parties. All the dinners. WiFi, part of the rent or housing costs. Clothes. AND THAT'S WHAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED LEGITIMATE.

The rest of it is put on a credit card the campaign has that is never audited.


Such a scam.


McCain/Feigngold years ago just set the scam in stone…the part that was overturned made certain the funding never ended.