confirm handoff
> I think I'll go outside and smoke an edible
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18139999 Some beliefs are too deeply held which prevent moving further.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017 Matt Gaetz Joins, Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18140080 @MichaelSalla ET Disclosure being planned now at an underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>Remember the days when your cool Memes would get blocked or shadow banned?
Bruh I have to convince the FB algorithm that I'm sucking Zionist dick just to get one interaction.
Facebook files next pls!
>Matt Gaetz drops F-Bomb on Timcast IRL kek
>He's based.
Baker is tuned in
Based AF confirmed
Notes on Gaetz:
-Patriot Act needs repealed ASAP
-Members of Congress shouldn't be allowed to later become lobbyists/foreign advisors
-Populist left and right must UNITE.
Anons pls add if anything else stood out to you
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18139999 Some beliefs are too deeply held which prevent moving further.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342 ayy lmao
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS
>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater
>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations
>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
>How about the Federal Reserve Act? It's as if none of these clowns have ever heard of it…
They're reading off superchat Q&A now, got $5?
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18139999, >>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342, >>18140430 ayy lmao / space bun
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS
>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater
>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations
>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
>>18140476, >>18140485 Pentagon Announces Operation Paperclip 2.0: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma
>>18140501 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.
>>18140506 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]
The fuckwits are really going full retard, huh
Yeah I saw it before too but the "Operation Paperclip 2.0" part was noteworthy, I thought
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18139999, >>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342, >>18140430 ayy lmao / space bun
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS
>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater
>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations
>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
>>18140476, >>18140485 RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?
>>18140501 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.
>>18140506 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]
>>18140559 @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.
>>18140560, >>18140580 Green Comet inbound
>>18140566 That Potato sure has a weird hair line
Baker Seeking Handoff Next Bread
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18139999, >>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342, >>18140430 ayy lmao / space bun
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS
>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater
>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations
>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
>>18140476, >>18140485 RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?
>>18140501, >>18140595, >>18140586 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.
>>18140506 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]
>>18140559 @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.
>>18140560, >>18140580, >>18140631 Green Comet inbound
>>18140566 That Potato sure has a weird hair line
Baker Seeking Handoff Next Bread
last call
Notables Are Not Endorsements
>>18139942, >>18139980, >>18139988
>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City
>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC
>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.
>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.
>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women
>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations
>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally
>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn
>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo
>>18139999, >>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342, >>18140430 ayy lmao / space bun
>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter
>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night
>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’
>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS
>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater
>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations
>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
>>18140476, >>18140485 RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?
>>18140501, >>18140595, >>18140586 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.
>>18140506 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]
>>18140559 @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.
>>18140560, >>18140580, >>18140631 Green Comet inbound
>>18140566 That Potato sure has a weird hair line
>>18140675 @FoxNews LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'violent, extremist views'
>New Baker needed Next Bread