>Can only count to 4.
Search continues after disappearance of 4-year-old Cyril girl; caretaker arrested
Oklahoma police have been searching for Athena Brownfield since Tuesday.
this is unnerving, another little girl named Athena.
even if it is never proven that the vax was made to be deliberately harmful one thing is obvious. they rushed it. they botched it.
ok that's two things
>Wrong time zone
pointless since we don't know time zone of machine that took the cap
in these situations anon only looks at minutes after the hour
>(equipment or is someone taking a "trip to Kyiv"
you don't seem to understand that the ADS-B network requires members with receivers online in order for the network to report the aircraft data. The great white north is pretty sparse on network member receivers. This radio technology is limited range and line of sight only.