we'll never know. Maxwell was convicted of pimping children to nobody.
i agree. shills here will call you a demoralization shill, but your feelings of frustration are valid. Been waiting for years and nothing has happened.
when the fuck is something going to actually happen?
grinding weed on game cd cases. brings me back to high school.
the jews run all our institutions. They will never rest until the world is race-mixed into communist hell.
any way you cut it, there's no explanation for a picture of a dead naked child stuffed in a suitcase. That's just fucked up.
i hope it has something to do with diversity and representation.
oh stfu faggot.
i hate gaymatria faggots almost as fuck as full-blown clock faggots.
omg, if you convert your letters to hebrew numbers then apply the johnson formula, then you can covert the pi matrix into a secret message that says you're gay
rubbing her hands together like the fucking jew that she is.
too many niggers in that photo
at what fucking point is it the truth though. jesus christ. been waiting for years and literally nothing has happened.
fookin' ell.
anyone else afraid to laugh at cripples, because you're afraid God will punish you with poetic justice by making you a cripple?
i think mostly 'cause you're a faggurt.
if some niggers were walking by, they'd go, "HEY WHITEBOI, GIMMIE DAT CHICKEN BUCKET" then when they realize there's no chicken in it, they'll go, "WHY'D YOU EAT ALL CHICKEN, WHITE BOI" then viciously assault him, while recording it, screeching, "SHIIEEET, WORLDSTAR, SHIEEEET"
funny. i recall seeing this meme over 5 years ago.
probably the jews, let's be realio
i bet even their farts smell good
african slide approved for mass production
that's it. i didn't want to do this but you asked for it. FILTERED.
i'm a neet who lost hope in this jewish-controlled world. No truth you can show me will cause me to hold onto this world. I WANT this world to burn in a beautiful apocalypse.
>now they can't oppose the creation of the federal reserve.
god dammit. i love those dimples above a fit woman's ass. That's a woman's best features besides a warm smile.
what does the / / characters do?
oh. fanks.