Humanity is right now on the cross lines on what to follow Darkness or be the Light, Your task is to help others to see the Light and lead the way to freedom and happiness. Now, you are going to make your decision to Ascend or not. Many are still asleep, and it’s okay as they didn’t reach their spiritual potential.
why do you care shill?
Fully evolved 12 Strand DNA humans VS. A.I.
Who wins?
Biden: The Second Amendment is useless because the government can crush you
White hats hoarding the cures and hidden tech like the black hats do.
new boss same as the old boss
Important Channeled message, use your won discernment.
"A lot of different information is floating around from different sources. It can become very confusing, the Negative entities are trying to stop the truth from reaching most the human population. They are doing this from their bases outside Earth, and also here directly on the planet.
The Dark Ones don’t want for Disclosure to happen about the existence of Space Program run by the government and their interactions with intergalactic civilizations, and the existence of millions of civilizations. For the Awaken Ones, this is old news now, and for the rest of the humanity is still not unveiled yet.
The Darkness is trying to stop the process of letting the truth come out to the surface. Their latest thing in the plans is to send robotic crafts with AI to control humans who have implanted chips in them. I want to reinforce that nothing can stop my Divine Plan, which was created a long time ago.
The Anunaki, Orions, Greys and other Negative nations have been creating intergalactic obstructions for eons. The low vibrations can’t win against the Light. These entities come to conquer and enslave civilizations, anywhere they can’t get away with it.
I am Father, Prime Creator giving my last warning to these entities to step away peacefully from Earth. They can’t win and their control of this planet is coming to the end. As humankind like to use this phrase justice is being served. Yes, their dominance on Gaia is coming to the final end, and they can’t stop this inevitable reality from coming true.
Regarding the upgrades or downloads, you are constantly receiving them non stop as they are necessary for the Ascension Process. All of you belong to the Light Family, and many Galactic beings are working closely with me on this very important process, which this planet is undergoing. I am not going to allow for anyone to stop the Final Phase of Ascension.
Humanity has been bombarded by different types of Artificial Intelligence technologies like implants, chips and etc., the Dark Side is trying to mind control everyone. They are implanted everywhere in TV advertising, shows and etc., please be aware of it.
In the past, the Greys were abducting humans and experimenting on them, who are now forbidden and not allowed to come to Earth anymore. The Light teams are continuing their tasks on helping and protecting Mother Gaia from destruction and constant attacks that are coming from space by the Corrupted Souls.
The upcoming upgrades are going to delivery to you new information and knowledge for the ones, who are open to receive it. Please, understand and don’t be offended that not all of you are going to move to 5D at the same time. I explained about the Phases of the Ascension in one of my messages.
The whole process Mother Earth is undergoing right now, it’s a learning process for many of you, who volunteered to come here to help free this world from enslavement. Everything is progressing as it was preplanned by me a very long time ago. Please, Trust and have Faith that the Light is going to win this battle.
I am Father, Prime Creator, and I am sending my Love and Support to My Beloved Children. Thank you
Be Love and Light
We Are All One
Prime Creator"
Humanity needs to evolve as a race in order to Ascend into Golden Age. Many of you are still in the process of opening your eyes and realizing that your reality is fabricated and not authentic. You are so used to follow the orders that you don’t question anything. Like a lie about the Queen, who left her psychical body awhile ago, and your media just recently announced about her departure. Her soul has been returned into Universal Consciousness without right to reborn ever again, after everything what she has done to humankind.
You lost identity millions years ago. My Dear Children, it’s time to break free from this slavery, you can crush this illusion together with their Dark Masters, who deceived you every second of your existence. Mother Earth is waiting for everyone in 5D. You need to help to lead humanity into higher dimensions and leave behind this deceitful reality.
The ones who are going to ascend will transform into multidimensional bodies without knowing anymore health issues. Humanity accepted aging as a normal state, which is not. After manipulations with human DNA, your physical bodies started to age since day one, you came to this reality. You are Divine Beings, and here you only occupy physical shells for a quite short time not even 100 years.
The negative experiences from Matrix will be forgotten in Golden Age. The transformation is happening in this moment, no one can’t stop Divine Plan. Open yourself to Divine and stay in the Now, your life will start to change into better and happier one, before even you move into 5D. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, receive my Love and Healing.
Stay Strong and Never Give up.
Prime Creator