inforwars and AJ are fraud.
"AJ" is a disgusting POS
Biden pedo, out of control in public.
guess he was busy when the spies came in and took the classified docs.
oh right AJ tried to frame Guiliani for 9/11
aj is such a piece of shit
Never mentioned the FBI or Mueller or anything else.
He blocked the info with his fat ass.
the spirit is eternal.
Read the various "books of the dead" describes going through the 'Bardo"?
the female is the default setting on the fetus.
there are changes to make it a male.
It's like milk to yogurt, can't turn back
But a female has never become male, and the hormone treatment can make her more plausibly male.
actually that's not true.
Rudy was slated to die there.
white hats went in and rescued him
AJ focused on Giuliani from the very beginning because he's 100% sole out fraud.
They wanted marshal law then and there, and wanted Giuliani gone as the excuse.
Many things went wrong for them on that day. Did not go as planned, thank God.
it's the genes that order the hormones.
the fetus doesn't become male, until the testosterone.
If that's held back it won't become male even if YX chromosome
fuck off
guy doesn't have to dox himself for to figure anything out.
got to hell FED asshole
why is that goofball always smirking?
the muh-jews (jew haters or supposed jew-haters who spam like hell and have money funding them) have crappy memes
people hold back credentials here, fool,
stop trying to entrap people
have you figured out that it's anonymous here yet?
you're not at REDDIT anymoar.
and go back, if it's still open.
psyhos only feel bad when they are caught.
must be a deep fake,
he looks like he's acting.
oh poor faux chi
maybe he'll go to hell soon
if he was smart he'd be way out of the country by now, in a bunker somewhere.
animal rights people are really mad how he treated beagles
fake crying
when he turns up his head to look at the camera you can see the dooper's delight
too many "I"'s in that post
no one cares.
we like it anon.
If you don't understand that your alleged time at Law School was wasted.
fail FBI
you got in a lot of trouble lately. anon knows you don't care because you think you're untouchable;
Keep thinking that.