All anons together in unison alone wouldn't have been enough to undo whats been done. This job is for God. He is working. It is His Plan ultimately
>God is just the US military.
Anon, you are missing out if thats what you believe. This world is created by a supreme being outside this reality. Coincidences don't exist because his plan is playing out. If you don't see the coincidences happening in your life, you aren't listening.
If you aren't just a demoralization shill, I implore you to pray and ask God to show you. He speaks in unexpected ways. Coincidences
The israelites were enslaved to egypt for 400+ years. They were delivered via an exodus. We too will be brought out
If people all at one point realize they can't fix this without God, there will be a Great Awakening. God's glory is going to make itself manifest
Yall talkin bout that b18? laughing man? babyfist
>It wouldn't have taken 40 years in the desert if they all had been on God's side, it would have gone much faster.
Best take away anon