We need Moar proposals. No action.
Irreversible damage done to so many kids during his time as President.
I thought Trump had a better judgement of character since have it all. Ya know
God for fucking forbid anyone going to jail
That's dead already
They did surrender
Yes. All must die before Q can give us the cures. For his told you so's
All we can do is watch and vote in another rigged election in 2024
Just vote harder in 2024 anon
It's not funny at all
So it's true. Gates isn't killing us, the White Hats are
Moar lawsuits is all we need
Red states slap Biden administration with lawsuit over climate friendly retirement fund rules https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jan/26/red-states-slap-biden-administration-lawsuit-over-/