Remember the hostility to ROTC on college campuses. What was up with that? Get potential American born leaders uninterested in the military?
Remember the hostility to ROTC on college campuses. What was up with that? Get potential American born leaders uninterested in the military?
No matter if the Pfizer executive apparently caught in the Project Veritas expose, is somehow not legit, the whole "COVID vaccine" debacle is so suspicious that everyone, everywhere should step away from the needles until we have real answers about what is in the injections, and for what purpose.
I have a book called "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. That book explains how a lot of infectious diseases were already declining due to better sanitation prior to vaccine deployments. Also, they point out how diagnostic criteria were changed after a vaccine was introduced.
In the case of polio, it seems to me that neurological damage due to poisonous substances such as pesticides was threatening to the bottom line certain industries. How convenient to have another explanation for cases of paralysis. Not to mention real instances of serial passage that lead to outbreaks-just like may be happening today.
Vaccines are the biggest health fraud perpetrated on humanity. "The Big Lie" in my opinion.
The few vaccines that might do some good are not used "en masse". ANY mass medical procedure should be evaluated as a likely chemical or biological warfare agent in my opinion.