The Cabalcannotstop it. They have tried.
Pseudosciencehas tried to laugh the Bible out of existence. Two hundred years ago,Voltairesaid, quote: “Fifty years from now, the world will hear no more of the Bible.” In that very year – that I’m going to mention in a minute – the British Museum paid the Russian government a half a million dollars for one copy of one Greek manuscript. And in that very year, the first edition of Voltaire’s book sold on a Paris bookstore counter for less than eight cents. It wasn’t very many years until his book was worth eight cents and one New Testament manuscript, one, Sinaiticus, was worth a half a million.
Thomas Paine, in The Age of Reason, 200 years ago, presented his genius. And I mean he was smart. He was one of the geniuses of his age. And he presented his genius as an attack on Christianity and, boy, he really went after it. He felt his arguments would destroy forever the Bible. He predicted that in a few years the Bible would be out of print.
On returning to America, he boasted, and I quote: “When I get through, there will not be five Bibles left in America.” Fifteen hundred years afterHerodotuswrote his history, there was only one copy. Twelve hundred years afterPlatowrote his books, there was only one copy. We’ve got 13,000 manuscripts of the Bible. Oh, by the way, going back to Voltaire, 50 years after his death, the Geneva Bible Society used his house and his press to print Bibles.
Oh, incidentally, going back toDiocletian, 25 years after his efforts, Constantine commissioned Eusebius to prepare 50 copies of the Bible at the expense of the Roman government. H.L. Hastings says,“Infidels, with all their attacks, make about as much impression on this book as a man with a tack hammer would on the pyramids of Egypt. When the French monarch proposed the persecution of Christians,” says Hastings, “in his dominion, an old statesman said to him,‘Sire, the Church of God is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.’”