Anonymous ID: f7d234 Feb. 3, 2023, 6:03 p.m. No.18280612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0622

Anons may want to delve into the information I’m about to type out below. I’ve discussed this in length within my circle of colleagues and are convinced that the balloons being spotted are a combination of misdirection and psyops with electrostatic warfare.


Portion 1: Psyops


We agreed that the balloons are real, meaning there are floating aerial craft physically traveling over our airspace. The psyops being deployed here is that Biden’s compromization from/of China will weaken US fortitude in our government. Fools, we already do!


Portion 2: Misdirection


China’s deployment of balloons have garnered massive attention. Considering this has happened, it seems that the possibility of the garnered attention was the goal itself. This would mean that the US is being played and that they are currently in full operation, possibly over Taiwan or the nullification of US assets near them.


Portion 3: Electrostatic Warfare


The rumors that 5G causes Covid-19 were raging and were self-destructing conspiracy theory. No, 5G doesn’t cause Covid. However, 5G has the ability to cause heath problems that are identical to the symptoms of Covid.


5G’s frequencies excite molecule. Like a microwave excites water molecules and that heats your food, 5G excites oxygen molecules to the point where your lungs cannot absorb it into your bloodstream. You essentially asphyxiate and die, as if you had Covid.


So our conversation is that China has kicked a hornets nest so nobody knows what they’re doing. Meanwhile, these balloons might contain 5G radio frequency capabilities that could invisibly kill millions with zero evidence, possibly specific targeting capabilities.


I would err on the side of the ‘what if’ scenario so that you are safe. If the balloon is anywhere near you on its flight path, I would (and we get the irony) wrap oneself in Aluminum Foil like they like to make fun of conspiracy theorists with on our heads. The point is to act as a shield against the frequencies so that the oxygen molecules in your lungs can be absorbed and so that your lungs can expel carbon dioxide.



I wouldn’t be surprised if China has found a way to kill operatives without even leaving a single trace, let alone place blame on an already existing “virus”.