Thank Q baker!
You should correct that!
If anons had a choice, that balloon would be lost in the woods of the northwest!
But, their -guy-Joe is at the helm so maybe they are actually testingHIMto see how far their payoffs will go!
Ham radios can transmit/receive signals from around the globe! Something about bouncing the sig off the ionosphere.
Old photo!
No grammar/spelling notsees here!
I’ve had this re-occurring dream over the years. What’s odd to me is its reoccurrence and the vivid colors! It goes like this: I walk out of my house, look up in the sky and see hundreds of paratroopers descending slowly. Next, there are chink soldiers at ever intersection, armed of course, but allowing people, cars to move about. Next thing I know I’m gathering up neighbors and friends to fight the chinks. Strangely, that’s as far as the dream goes. I’ve had it about 5-10 times over the past 10 years.
You mean “the common cold”! Same thing.
Unfortunately for me, I have a Cardiologist.
Luckily for me he thinks the Covid vax is bad!
Had to get some tests done and he says “ oh the hospital is gonna give you that stupid Covid test before you get any procedure”