Anonymous ID: 20d091 Feb. 9, 2023, 9:52 a.m. No.18314175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294 >>4412 >>4572 >>4600

Senator John Fetterman Hospitalized


Newly-elected Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman - whose campaign repeatedly affirmed over the past year that he was in good health - has been hospitalized after feeling "lightheaded" on Wednesday of this week.


His communications director, Joe Calvello, told Bloomberg this week that there was no evidence that Fetterman, who had a stroke while running for election last year, had another stroke. Calvello said: “Initial tests did not show evidence of a new stroke, but doctors are running more tests and John is remaining overnight for observation.”


Fetterman was last seen at the President's State of the Union address on Tuesday night. He had then gone to a Democratic retreat on Wednesday, but was forced to leave.


He “left and called his staff, who picked him up and drove him to the George Washington University Hospital,” Calvello told Bloomberg. He added that Fetterman was in: "good spirits and talking with his staff and family.”


Prior to his election, Fetterman's televised debate performance against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz, had become a talking point due to his inability to articulate himself. Those who questioned Fetterman's ability or health were labeled as "ableist".


During the debate, Fetterman's health became one of the first issues discussed. Fetterman supposedly, at the time, got a letter from a doctor giving him the “all clear for full duty” to work in office, but avoided the request of releasing his full medical records surrounding his stroke.


Additionally, as was noted last October, Fetterman had numerous members of the media running interference for him for the better part of the five months leading up to the debate. Several mainstream media reporters, like Kara Swisher, chimed in, claiming that Fetterman was recovering well from his stroke and hadn't had any issues communicating.


People like Swisher stepped in to do damage control when other members of the media, like Dasha Burns, had the true courage to point out what were likely very inconvenient facts for her employer, MSNBC, and their political affiliation: that it "wasn't clear" Fetterman was understanding their conversation at the time.

Anonymous ID: 20d091 Feb. 9, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.18314205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4393 >>4412 >>4572 >>4600

HUNTER LAPTOP EXCLUSIVE: US Attorneys Were Suspiciously Hired on Same Day Hunter Was Asked to Use His “Influence” to End Ukraine Investigation into Burisma – One Year Later Joe Biden Shut It Down


Hunter Biden was given a task. He was asked to help Burisma, the firm he was a Board member of, to use his “influence” to end an investigation in Ukraine of the company. Joe Biden handled it a little more than a year later.


On Wednesday The Gateway Pundit reported on an email from Hunter Biden’s business partners in Ukraine. This email was found on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer, but not analyzed before our report on Wednesday. The email included a request from Burisma officials asking Hunter to use his “influence” to end an ongoing investigation of the company in Ukraine.


As TGP reported, the entire situation was later exposed by Joe Biden boasting in front of a camera.


In his own words, with cameras rolling, Joe Biden described how he threatened the Ukrainian President and warned that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if Ukraine didn’t immediately fire the prosecutor investigating Burmisa Holdings.


Joe’s son Hunter was on the Board of Burisma and making tens of thousands a month for doing nothing but “fixing things.”


Today we have another email that corroborates the email from yesterday included in the above article.


The email embedded in yesterday’s article was dated May 12, 2014. This was a little more than a year before the Ukrainian investigator looking into Burisma was let go following Joe Biden’s threats to the leader of Ukraine in early 2016.


At the same time as the exchange with Hunter, Hunter Biden’s Burisma contact, Vadim Pozharsky, was signing on attorneys with the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP in the US.


In an email dated May 12, 2014, Vadim notes the following regarding the agreement being signed between the law firm and Burisma. The work to be started begins with the following bullet.


1) Immediately: Advise on how to use Washington, DC contacts to stop the politically motivated attacks on Burisma taking place right now in Ukraine.


Here is a screengrab of that email.


The first action was to immediately: “Advise on how to use Washington, DC contacts to stop the politically motivated attacks on Burisma taking place right now in Ukraine.”


It took a year but, as Joe Biden said, “son of a bitch”, the prosecutor was gone.

Anonymous ID: 20d091 Feb. 9, 2023, 10 a.m. No.18314231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4241 >>4249 >>4412 >>4572 >>4600

Republican councilman shot dead in apparent murder-suicide


A Republican councilman in New Jersey is dead, the victim of an apparent murder-suicide.


At approximately 7 a.m. on Wednesday, police received several reports of a shooting in the parking lot of a local PSE&G, a major gas and electricity provider. When police arrived at the PSE&G in Somerset, New Jersey, about 30 miles south of Newark, they discovered 51-year-old Russell Heller, a senior distribution supervisor who had worked for the company for 11 years, shot dead.


A preliminary investigation indicated that a former PSE&G employee, 58-year-old Gary Curtis, approached Heller in the parking lot and shot him outside his vehicle. Curtis then reportedly fled the scene.


Police were able to trace Curtis' whereabouts and, about three and a half hours after the shooting, discovered his vehicle in Bridgewater Township, about 10 miles away. When officers approached the vehicle, they discovered Curtis inside. He was dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, and a firearm was located in his possession.


Investigators are still trying to determine Curtis' former role at the utility company and what type of relationship he may have had with Heller, if any. A press release from the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office stated that the shooting was likely an "isolated" incident and that "Mr. Heller was the intended target," though a motive for the shooting has not yet been determined.

Anonymous ID: 20d091 Feb. 9, 2023, 10:01 a.m. No.18314240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4393

Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning ‘White Religious Nationalism’


The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has passed a resolution condemning “white religious nationalism,” stating that “theocracy is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom.”


The motion was approved in Philadelphia this past weekend, where Democrat leaders gathered for their winter meeting. The resolution, which had more than 30 co-sponsors from across the country, linked religious nationalism with “white nationalism,” arguing that “one of many heinous elements of white nationalism is its perversion of religion to make their hateful message more palatable.”


The authors claimed that “religious nationalism” — particularly Christian nationalism or “white Christian nationalism” — has been condemned by “faith leaders” in recent years. Authors pointed to the January 6 Capitol protests as a clear example of the “white, Christian nationalist” threat.


“White religious nationalism has used the cover of patriotism to foment and inflame hate by providing cover for racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and islamophobia,” the resolution read. Ultimately, the resolution linked the rise of “white Christian nationalism” with the decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, as well as numerous other GOP initiatives.


Michael Bearfoot, a Democratic delegate from Minnesota who submitted the resolution, celebrated its passage in a statement. “White religious nationalism has an end goal of a white religious state,” Bearfoot said in a statement to Religion News Service. “This has no place for me as a black pagan. This is why I was proud to introduce this resolution and was happy that it passed.”


Sarah Levin, who co-chairs the DNC Interfaith Council as a “secular representative,” also praised the document. “Since he was elected, President Biden has been warning Americans about the threats to our democracy on multiple fronts,” Levin said in a statement. “White Christian nationalism should be at the top of that list, and for the sake of our democracy, it’s time to call it what it is.”


“By recognizing the connection between this movement and the broad-ranging attacks on nearly everything Democrats are fighting for, this resolution puts those of us who believe in democracy, freedom and religious pluralism in a stronger position to join forces.”

Anonymous ID: 20d091 Feb. 9, 2023, 10:04 a.m. No.18314259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4393

Donald Trump Releases Campaign Ad Outlining Energy Policy


Former President Donald Trump detailed his plan for “reclaiming American energy dominance” and creating the “power plants, pipelines, grids, ports, refineries, and shipping terminals of tomorrow” in his latest campaign ad video shared exclusively with Breitbart News.


Trump, who remains the lone candidate in the 2024 presidential primary field, pledged to “bring back a pro-American energy policy at long last” if he is elected to the Oval Office, unveiling his plan to de-regulate the industry, once again exit the Paris Climate Accords, and “rapidly” approve “worthy” domestic energy infrastructure projects to lower prices and create jobs for Americans:


I will deploy a team of warrior lawyers to hunt down every unnecessary regulation in the federal registry that hampers domestic production and we will wipe them off the books. We will again get out of Paris and we will rapidly issue approvals for all worthy energy infrastructure projects with a focus on maximum speed to bring prices down rapidly. So get those proposals ready now, because we are going to put thousands of Americans to work, building the power plants, pipelines, grids, ports, refineries and shipping terminals of tomorrow.


Young Americans are a central part of the plan that aims to “help restore hope and aspiration” to them, Trump said, adding:


Instead of being irrationally terrified by political predictions of climate apocalypse, instead of toiling for low wages or left-wing make-work projects, I have a vision that will give young Americans a chance to find real meaning in work once again…building the backbone of America that is powerful, prosperous, productive, vigorous, modern, independent, and free.


“Nobody has more liquid gold under their feet than the United States of America, and we will use it and profit by it and live with it, and we will be rich again, and we will be happy again and will be proud again,” he later added.


Earlier in the video, Trump highlighted energy policies implemented by President Joe Biden and likened them to “a massive tax hike on everything” for consumers:


He canceled the keystone XL pipeline, he reentered the horrendous Paris Climate Accords – so unfair to the United States, good for other countries, so bad for us. He put up huge road blocks to new oil, gas, and coal production and much, much more. In effect, Biden’s anti-American energy crusade is a massive tax hike on everything. Higher energy costs raise the price of food, raw materials, shipping, transportation, construction, manufacturing, and everything else.


The 45th President stated that China benefits most from the “radical” green energy policies implemented by the Biden administration: