Tell me, when do the tears start?
You die and go to heaven.
How did I do?
2 divorces, drugs and alcohol problems.
But damn, you wrecked the evil bastards that were in control.
You took it to a new level.
For this, your are honored.
Let’s go with the “net shut down”
Let’s go with the “flood”
The F B Lie
They protect the cabal and kill people like Seth Rich .
The FB Lie will kill you and take your evidence
The FB Lie smashed Hillary’s phones
The FB Lie killed all those children at Waco
The FB Lie killed Lavoy Finichum
the FB Lie would kill (You) if they could dox you.
False flag 101
Found it odd that Biden SOTU speech ran over 17 minutes according to Bret Hume Fox News