Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11 a.m. No.1831709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've been watching reruns of a TV Series called Travelers. It is about people from the far future, after the oceans have boiled away, living in underground shelters built in high mountain valleys. They have developed a time travel technology using Quantum Computing that can transmit a conciousness into the past. They take over bodies of people who are about to die, a few moments before their death. The traveler then avoids the death event, and does missions which change the timeline to prevent the disastrous future from unfolding. Near the end of Season 2 there is an Episode entitled "Simon" that has this drawing made by a Traveller whose host body has psychotic issues. It shows a dining hall in a shelter of the future.


Later in the same episode, Traveller 001 bribes a hospital administrator by giving an envelope of cash as a donation to cover the costs of allowing him to work on mental patients there. She says that his charity is generous to which he replies Charity is a gift you give yourself.


That picture looks a lot like one of Ray Chandlers photos. Was this TV series some kind of predictive programming? And we know from the Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Private Foundations, that very wealthy people are using private charities to hide money, avoid taxes, bypass trade sanctions and launder money in general. Thus people like the Clintons leverage the Clinton Foundation primarily to give a gift to themselves, not to further any charitable causes. Most private foundations are broadly similar in this unethical behavior. Charles Ortel has documented the Clinton activities in this.

Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.1831870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1963



In the UK the British National Party is an extremist and racist group. About 10 years ago one of the TV networks in the UK did a DNA investigation in which they found that the DNA of modern Britons shows that they are mostly descended from the people that lived in the same area BEFORE the Roman or Norse or Saxon or Norman conquests happened.


They found other interesting things like an area north of Liverpool that had a lot of Sarmatian DNA connections. These were ancient Persian lancemen who served in the Roman legions up on Hadrian's wall.


But they also did a DNA test for a woman who was proudly white and the official spokesperson of the BNP. She looked as white as any other Briton, but her DNA showed that 20% was from sub-Saharan Africa. That is the part of Africa inhabited by various Negro races.


Fact is that a small number of people from far away places have been coming to Britain for centuries and have left a genetic imprint. There was even an Innuit hunter out in his kayak who was blown east and landed on the Shetlands or Faroe Islands, and left his DNA there.


We are more mixed than we know. Even the Haida indians who call there islands Haida Gwai (Hawaii, Kawai) and probably originate from the coast of Tawain like all Polynesians do, have African DNA which was traced to a slave who escaped from a British ship in Vancouver long ago. He was known to be an artist/carver and from a certain part of West Africa with distinctive stone carving style, and archaeologists found small carvings in that style in a cemetery near a village where the African DNA is found.

Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.1831983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047



These crumbs could be turned into a set of questions that you might call "A test of evil intent".

I am thinking of the word "test" like they use it in the law and the court system. This is used to get past a vague situation and make it clear. So, when the media or a public personality are making an attack, do they have evil intent or are they genuinely concerned?


Why not have a set of questions and if the answer to, say, three or more is yes, then that establishes that the person made the statement with evil intent. Such statement DO NOT SHOW CONCERN and have NO PLACE IN A PUBLIC DEBATE.


There are complex issues which the people do need to discuss. Sometimes new laws need to be made. Sometime law enforcement is lax and they need to be prodded to shape up or ship out. But statements made with evil intent do not move this process forward.


Evil intent MUST BE UNVEILED. We cannot tolerate it in silence. But we should not attack it, simply UNVEIL IT for what it is.

Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.1832049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2065 >>2111



Only WE THE PEOPLE can do this. Why are you not out there already, hassling them in their charity events, their dinners, their art gallery showings and so on?


If a group of people can hassle the Secretary of Homeland Security in a DC restaurant, then you can damn well do the same with the known blackhats. Follow them around everywhere and heckle them and hassle them and hold up big signs proclaiming their crimes and their unethical behavior, getting rich on the public purse while their own constituencies suffer.

Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.1832133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2187



Using this photo, I think the shoulder width to head width ratio confirms that she was born male.


The width of one shoulder should be well less than one head width in a female, close to half the one shoulder width. In a male, one shoulder is equal to the head width.


Transsexuals often control their poses to make it hard to do this measurement

Anonymous ID: baa14f June 20, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.1832218   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I didn't say to do anything illegal or to disobey and commands of a police officer.


When people do an op like that one in the restaurant, other members of the group will be out on the street, peacefully demonstrating with signs, and filming the police response.