Y’all are getting mixed up in PC and terminology ..that’s a liberal game! Don’t play ..just use manners be polite be thoughtful and you’ll do fine
Agree but pls have it straight ..went from ni***r to negro to colored to blacks to African American to ? (Today)
In general or reality? Far as “we” are led to believe it died with her in her tummy …reality we don’t know
Patriot anons don’t think any of that matters …the race BS is the shills and ignorant …ignore both! We(patriots)try to…
Lol you forgot muh d**k
Please soon! I know we are ALL tired esp y’all ,but we’re tired of it being safer for them then us (at this point) look what happened to homeland Secretary !
We’d be dead if she won
This patriot would rather we close all borders and shut all this shit down for a bit until we get all things resolved …but that’s just my two cents
Theirs 10 commandments ..satanist have broke them ALL
Prison? I thought we were bringing back the guillotines?
Lollllll hahahahaha omg I cant stop laughing that so some funny chit
Find a nice girl and settle down commit
Grrrr children can still be a freethinker yet have manners and know how to sit down and learn as a team ..especially young …your comment makes me furious!
The local daycare center?