Anonymous ID: c400fb June 20, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.1831685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697 >>1940

Summer Solstice Tomorrow

We know ((they)) have their Rituals


**note: not claiming this news source is all credible as i don't know, but disturbing if True and names place this will occur.


A Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice led by Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was said planned for June 21 2018 Summer Solstice in Geneva Switzerland prior to meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Child victims for the Satanic rite, which was said commonly precluded by a pedophile party, were thought supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organized by an office at the Vatican.


“At midnight on the Solstice a heavily guarded ceremony will be held in the Catholic Basilica Notre-Dame on Rue Argand in Geneva. Only the top WCC leaders and the Pope will be there. We have all been warned to keep quiet about it, it’s unofficial and very secret. But it’s the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated. I suspect their June 21 pact will be sealed in blood,” an informant said.


A document from the Vatican secret archives, now held by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, was said to state that to honor their god Satan, it was mandatory that the Pope and Cardinals participate in Satanic child murder and sex abuse rites on a regular basis.


To expose and stop the Satanic murder ceremony Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State were leading a protest and counter-conference in Geneva that same June 21. and .


This was not the first time Pope Francis had been accused of raping and murdering children. In July 2014 two adolescent women testified at the ICLCJ Court claiming that Pope Francis had raped them during child sacrifice ceremonies in the spring of 2009 and 2010. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, the rapes and murders took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor had introduced notarized affidavits by eight others claiming to witness these same crimes.


The Court had received documentation obtained from Vatican secret archives including the Magisterial Privilege dated Dec. 25 1967. This Cannon Law Statute stated that before each new pope assumed office it was mandatory that they participated in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sacrifice rites. The document specifically referred to ceremonial murders of newborn babies followed by consumption of their blood.


Eyewitnesses at the trial also claimed that Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip, British royal family members and Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon had been present with Pope Francis and former Pope Ratzinger at Ninth Circle child sacrifices. At the first ICLCJ trial a year prior the Court already had found the Queen and Prince Philip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia.


Pope Francis also had quite a history that suggested his child trafficking connections led to his coronation as the Catholic Pope. During Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War an Argentine civil servant had taken extensive notes of the then-Cardinal Francis’ meetings with the military Junta. Francis was said to help traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into the international child exploitation ring run by an office at the Vatican. Sworn statements by a former Vatican Curia employee and another witness with inside knowledge of the Vatican child trafficking network, claimed that Francis was promised Argentine’s top Catholic Church position if he supplied children to the Vatican child trafficking network. The children were held in Catholic institutions as orphans of 150,000 missing political prisoners during the Argentine war.


Ninth Circle victims began coming out of the woodwork after results of the first ICLCJ trial were made public. Out-of-wedlock grown children of royalty and prominent political, entertainment, church, government and business leaders were volunteering to expose their Ninth Circle relatives across the globe. Charges ranged from kidnapping, rape and torture to the murder of children by Ninth Circle global elites through 2010.


In July 2014 the second ICLCJ trial produced a guilty verdict against the present Pope Francis, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for criminal conspiracy, obstructing justice and aiding and abetting child trafficking. Pachon quickly resigned, though as with his fellow Satanic cohorts, remained protected by the Vatican.