Thanks to VSGPDJT for stepping up to the plate for all of us and doing what he is doing to "drain the swamp". We are all here trying to do our bit, because we want a better world and freedom for our children and grandchildren. I would like them to enjoy and knowing the blessings of freedom, liberty and privacy that I grew up with, and which are no longer present in today's pervasive surveillance/corrupt state.
My only disappointment is that GEOTUS has not done enough to honor Veterans. While the reforms to the VA are overdue and necessary, very few Veterans overall use the VA system.
I would have been much, much more impressed if from Day One he had announced he was committed to "full, 100% employment" of any disabled combat Veteran who faces employment obstacles due to serving our country, including time away from the workforce to attend to medical issues. There is legislation to protect existing employed Veterans, but a gap which creates Veterans from gaining employment. Too many federal agencies continue to promote from within and keep the swamp creatures fat and happy, rather than hire new blood, with new talents, experience and energy and in keeping what many people feel was promised by GEOTUS on the campaign trail.
As for the swamp, I hope that you don't pull back and let the minor players walk. Like many, I have lost all faith in our institutions, including our military.
In one small example of a swamp creature that lives, a reserve Marine officer made numerous false allegations of racism, etc to detract from their underperformance while at a highly competitive school. These allegations were taken very seriously by the Obama regime and investigated with a full African-American team, who found NO racism in the administrative actions taken against this reserve Marine officer. This officer then refused to follow command directives and was removed from the Marine Corps with a highly unusual "triple signer" adverse fit rep, signed off by a three star General. There were also numerous pending and easily proven fraud investigations open against this officer.
Fast forward to the new, swamp draining Pentagon? This same officer went on to have the fraud investigations mysteriously disappeared, got a federal sinecure as a social security administrative "judge" stating that it was a "non-fireable" position, and now … has just reappeared in another sinecure SES position working for the Office of the Secretary of Defense as an "associate deputy justice" when this individual, to the best of knowledge, has never successfully passed a bar exam?
How does a politically connected swamp creature in GEOTUS military get booted from the USMC with a HIGHLY UNUSUAL triple signer adverse fitrep and magically reappear in a cozy, high trust, high income "secure" position inside that same DOD?
And you wonder why people are cynical that the swamp draining will actually take place.
Oh .. and the Commanding Officer that had the balls and courage to confront this officer and survived an intensive "racism" multiple investigation? Yeah, he has been unemployed since that incident and blackballed from even applying for work at DIA. "Not eligible for employment". THAT is the fruit of "doing the right thing". THAT is exactly why the swamp "wins".
God Bless GEOTUS and God Bless the Patriots. I pray for our children and grandchildren they prevail.