Anonymous ID: 144dcf Feb. 9, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.18315773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>18314881 pb >Russia has prepared 1,800 tanks, 4,000 armoured vehicles, 810 rocket-launch systems and 400 fighter jets 'for huge new invasion in Ukraine in ten days'


President Zelensky:


You can end this war today. I am sure that Putin would cease all hostilities, all you have to do is destroy the Bio labs; after all what good ever came out of them? Any? Please name at least 3 good things that ever came out of those Bio labs for humanity, even 2 would do. How about 1 good thing? If you can't name at least one thing, then you wager countless lives on both sides for no reason at all. You have been paid, we deserve an answer.


Anyone who cares about Ukrainian or Russian lives should hound both Putin and Zelinsky about this resolution, anyone of them who refuses to answer is the enemy of humanity. After all, what is more important in life except life itself?