Anonymous ID: 13ee73 Feb. 11, 2023, 3:27 a.m. No.18324735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764



My wife was harassed and assaulted yesterday as she went from church and while food shopping. A middle aged man sat next to her at the bus stop and started to act irrational talking to himself. She couldn't catch everything that he said but he slowed down to emphasis some points. Four times he took out his ID, quickly stated his name as fast as he could, and said I am an actor (To absolved himself of wrong doing) . One time he said the FBI criminals, the next time he said Military weapons, the third time he said API, the four times he said he is going to the fn hospital. Between the 2nd and 4rd time he said pretending to be on a phone "go now, he is home alone, use your key" twice. An hour later when she was at the store she had to ask the mgr for assistance because she felt extremely sick as if she was going to die. As she spoke to him to call me or get a uber, a lady that looked extremely familiar, possibly a sneighbor, walked a little in front of them to see her face and then walked away. My wife noticed she had no groceries, bags, or shopping cart either. I got to her 2 blocks from the store, the mgr loaned her a cart because all of a sudden uber was nothing but busy signals. When I asked her how she feeling, she said she is much better now but was feeling very weak and discombobulated, that it was something coming from somewhere in the store. Just about every time I go out to walk the dog, I either get some type of cornea infection or the feeling that I have been slightly microwaved which causes lethargy , headaches, and nausea. Nothing but assaults and mockeries. One day soon there will be no patience left.