I am the, as you call it, reptilian who said during the Messages of Love that I murdered millions of people, came to deeply regret that, repented and eventually was allowed to join the galactic confederation. Currently I serve as a military advisor.
I would like to say that I feel honored, but frankly the primary feelings that I have right now are shame and a feeling of unworthiness. I do not feel worthy to talk to you, Earth’s lightworkers, for I perceive you to be filled with much more light than I am. I perceive your hearts to be more open than mine, and I perceive you to have much less blood on your hands than I do.
At the same time, as the Pleiadian humans have repeatedly reminded me: it’s not up to the individual to judge whether he himself is worthy. That determination is up to Source, and Source deems everyone to be worthy of love. And so it is, apparently.
Personally I resonate more with the idea that no one benefits from me sitting in a room and feeling guilty or unworthy. I might as well get off my backside and do something useful, because contrary to me beating myself up, that is something that actually helps people – and in turn, that makes me feel slightly better about myself too..
Maybe some of you, too, can benefit from the previous two paragraphs.
The first thing I would like to tell you is that if you turn towards Source and genuinely repent, then you will be given a second chance. It almost doesn’t matter what you did, apparently. Frankly I would not have given myself a second chance, but apparently Source chose differently. I am glad that Source did.
I don’t think that most of the people I’m talking to will have caused millions of deaths, so if Source and the positive galactics can forgive me and give me a place in their midst, they can do the same for you.
But you do have to genuinely repent and genuinely want to start healing and start contributing something positive. Just saying empty words you don’t mean is a waste of breath.
The second thing I would like to tell you is that everyone has a unique puzzle piece, a unique contribution that he or she can make. You don’t need to have all the puzzle pieces, all the answers – almost no one does. But at the same time there is a puzzle piece that only you have and that only you can contribute to the whole. Will Earth humans still be free if certain people choose not to contribute their puzzle piece? Yes. But then liberation may not happen or quickly, or be as pleasant, or be as beautiful.