Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:08 p.m. No.18324130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169


>They know it's game over


Which may help explain:

-chyna Balloon 1

-chyna (?) NOT-balloon but "UFO" shot down

  • supporting NAtional ZIonists in UKr to attack ruskies to start ww3

-"fighter jets" (pilots??) request from UK

  • chyna / tawain BS war attempt by u-s-a


  • MAYBE (?) the 'strange' earthquake siesmic records for syria / Turkiye (why new spelling used in MSM?)


  • TOTAL fear re DJT running

  • santis getting florida via dominion to out / run against djt

  • docs at brandon…now docs at pence?



  • (moar?)

Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:20 p.m. No.18324169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4172 >>4180


oops forgot the whole Clot-shot things

  • anon local supermarket sell BACTIRIA spray cleaner that kills 99% of COVID (a 'virus' killed by anti-bacterial? - how strange)


  • trying to roll out clotshot#5 in aussie atm


  • interest rates (take extra usary from home owners many signed up on 95% loans, not underwater by 15-20% so banks will call in soon)


"inflation" due to all eggs/flour/milk/baby formula coming from UKr. (interesting)


  • russia russia russia - bad man picture painting - works in u-s-a due to life long propoganda (fwiw UKr are bombing east UKr where RUSSIANS live - line on map stuff, same-same as poland b4 ww2 when germany came to defence of germans - on wrong side of UK/Fr 'line-on-map'. yep same 'play-book as 80yrs ago.


killing russians in east UKr is same-same as killing pali's in fake state israil (rothkiddie wet dream land grab / jew subversion.


yep all NAtional ZIonists at it again.


Whats with the GREEN/BLUE + cresent moon + 5pt white star FLAG that aussie gov keeps standing in front of?


Could it be a replacement for their old RED flag with old roman cross? Yep it's the new KHZARIAN "state" flag.


Why Aussie gov / AFL crows football team & many others are flying it. strange? not really once one figures it out.

Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:25 p.m. No.18324179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4187 >>4278


>Viruses aren’t alive.


>They are either functional, or not.


I duuno, suspect you are correct, whay anon finds 'strange' is a 'surface spray' can kill a vius per marketing all over bottle + chyna spraying every surface in sight while people drop & do a 'dead fly" on MSM - back when COVHOAX started.

Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:33 p.m. No.18324198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4260 >>4307 >>4427 >>4497 >>4554 >>4636 >>4746 >>4807 >>4837 >>4844



  • (obvious) someone who puts ropes on ship


  • someone who "fixed" 'counting machines' (why can't u-s-a people "count" - we learn in primary school - strange edu in u-s-a and they even put "counting machines" on the internet - yep "stupid is as stupid does".


or DOGGING (no not f'cking in bushes :-0 )





Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:35 p.m. No.18324203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4229


>Covid 19, a supposed virus, has never been isolated


Agree, I have searched & search & can find no "paper" (other than MSM) that cv even exists.


the medico "brain trust" in aussie can't even figure out "long covid" & connection to VAX.

Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:41 p.m. No.18324225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Viruses do exist.


YEP YEP YEP no dispute with "Bacteria" >Virii >> Prions.


but since "viruses" have been around since ??? (beginning?)…humans not so much.


if the human 'meatsack' could be infected then humans would have been extinct few 100000 years ago.


Great design the human 'meat sack'. Pity big pharma stick 500 shots in to babies/kids to "protect" them. (oh & for $$$ & sh!ts & gigs / extermination)


Don't get me wrong polio etc etc are real.


MRNA experimental vax release before wuhan? sus. Worldwide roll out of a new tech mrna VAX? - CRIMINAL / MASS MURDER.


PolPotKelly (chief med officer in aussie) is going to jail.

Anonymous ID: a62f20 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:44 p.m. No.18324233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"Alien" fear narrative next on the agenda?


anon was wondering if 2nd 'NOT-balloon'/ "UFO" was a fear started (security / spies etc) or a start to "War of Worlds 2.0" ?