Anonymous ID: 497586 Feb. 11, 2023, 7:09 p.m. No.18329318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9547 >>9591 >>9645

Swedish involvement in Deep State origins and activities, nuke fearpron


"@Ericsson is being sued in a Class Action Lawsuit for KNOWINGLY AIDING & ABETTING TERRORISTS in the killing of AMERICAN soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan & Syria WITH collaboration from our own Government & ZERO politicians are talking about it!"


Interesting hidden history from perspective of nefarious Swedish involvement (see PDF, no images included)


"Our idea with this article is that once and for all, report not only what interests lay behind the two World Wars and the outbreak of the Cold War, but also the root cause, based on an operational strategic planning horizon extending throughout the last century, a planning that more than anything else has defined our world in modern times."


"To get his family’s business in order, Eric went to Germany in 1938 and immediately became a partner in the family’s banking firm. The Aryanization process, that is, when Jewish property was confiscated in Nazi Germany, had been going on since 1933 and it was no longer possible to conduct a banking business in a credible way, since from an opinionist perspective it was no longer possible to conceal the fact that one of the largest German banks was run by Jews. So in 1938, they did what all major companies did at this time and tried to relocate their operations to a third party in a neutral country, with the right of repurchase after the war."


The choice fell initially on the Swedish financial family Wallenberg, which tried to redeem the bank with shares in a particular parent company, the business conglomerate IG Farben. The same company that Max Warburg only a few years earlier had been forced to leave in accordance with the above explanation, a company that was also the single largest supplier to Hitler’s war machine. These shares, which would constitute the purchase price, were also stored in the German Central Bank, where Max was also currently on the board under Hjalmar Schacht. However, the deal never went through, the bank was instead acquired by another party."


"In particular, the Swedish FRA had gained access to the NSA’s most powerful analytical tool XKeyscore, which according to NSA documents enabling retrieval from mass surveillance data of “nearly everything a user does on the Internet.” If anyone tries to find a description of how FRA’s officials look at NSA’s officials, it probably describes pretty well who is actually doing what in this."


In its April 2013 report, NSA further stated that FRA “continues to gain access to more data from additional telecommunications companies” – through its countless subsidiaries and that new Swedish legislation had also given FRA increased powers regarding counterterrorism – to operate on legal grounds internationally. Thus, the international importance of the FRA Act for data storage cannot be overstated."


The wide berth given to FRA (pure reasons of kindness from NSA, of course), means that the US gave Sweden extraordinary authority, and additionally felt that they had to account as to why they did it – making Sweden a more reliable and important surveillance partner than the UK – who controls what in this?"


Just as Julian Assange puts it – though not in terms of the Deep State but more so in direct terms of telecom infrastructure. Sweden is the American Deep State’s closest allies! Or even closer to the truth – the one who controls the telecom infrastructure controls everything. Where are significant parts of the Tech giants’ server capacity located – Google, Amazon, Facebook, and why is this in the most Clinton-Soros loyal country on earth? Nobody can any longer be mistaken about this!"