Anonymous ID: 0a0559 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.18338877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8938 >>8992 >>9042 >>9059 >>9118 >>9239 >>9331 >>9344 >>9352 >>9370 >>9428

Anons, they are coming for our meat…and fast. Stock your freezers.


The medical establishment has been pushing the limitation of meat consumption for years, citing higher risk of cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, stroke risk, etc.. Meanwhile, veganism has been embraced and celebrated by the media, without one shred of objective research to examine the risks of such an unnatural human diet.


Now the Davos crowd are jumping on the anti-meat bandwagon, citing cow flatulence as a contributor to the fake climate crisis, along with an attempt to normalize fucking bug eating. The UN is also calling for drastic cuts in meat consumption.


Anon wants to be healthier and has been watching videos by a guy named Paul Saladino. He is an MD who champions the health benefits of a carnivore diet, which he claims to include weight loss and mental clarity. Despite the credible case he makes, along with empirical data to back it up, the absolute hysteria by the usual suspects is over the top. The reactions to this very calm and rational man include shouting down, name calling, ridicule, accusations, etc.. He is even being called “anti-science”. It’s exactly the treatment received by climate skeptics, anti maskers and citizens who refuse the clot shot.


Early on I thought the anti-meat push was just typical PETA idiots and beta cuck liberals who hate anything they perceive as masculine. Now, I believe this is coming from much higher, and the cabal is threatened by a growing awareness of the health benefits of meat. A healthy population is an unprofitable population. And clear minds are harder to control.


Anons know Big Government and Big Pharma is one in the same. Add Big Food to the list. Meat is the new SUV. Meat is the new handgun. Meat is the new Ivermectin.


They want us sick, ignorant, dependent and defenseless.


Watch the obese carpet muncher starting at 0:27

Anonymous ID: 0a0559 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.18339024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anon has been getting slightly frustrated with the slowness of the awakening process, expecting normies to become as aware as anons are. they are not where we are yet, but more people than anon can ever recall are outwardly expressing that the government and the media cannot be trusted. so maybe not at anon level yet, but the public is wiping the collective crust out of it's eyes. Normies are slowly walking to the sink to brush their teeth, and that first look in the morning mirror. awakening is occurring, but it's an iterative process. and it's about to get very real.