Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:15 a.m. No.18338849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8871 >>8898 >>8992 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428

PN>>18336693 Is there another regime change plan going on in Hungary ?

(Anons remember Orban met Trump in New Jersey in mid summer, was he getting advice on what was to come? Hungary is the only real Christian nation, besides Poland but Poland has gone along with EU plan more)


Head’s Up, State Dept Operative and USAID Administrator Samantha Power is in Hungary, Seeding Another Color Revolution – Deep State Ukraine 2.0

February 12, 2023 | Sundance

Hungary has been in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama administration ever since Prime Minister Viktor Orban refused to align with the WEF Western Democracies in their quest for regime change in Russia. As the NATO led western alliance assembled to use Ukraine as a proxy war against Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban would not join.

In early April 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was overwhelmingly reelected {LINK}, despite the massive efforts against him by the European Union, western and euro-centric multinational globalists. As a result of the victory, Brussels was furious at the Hungarian people. Associated Press – […] “Orban — a fierce critic of immigration, LGBTQ rights and “EU bureaucrats” — has garnered the admiration of right-wing nationalists across Europe and North America.” (link)


Within the statements reported from his 2022 victory speech, Prime Minister Orban warned citizens of the NATO and western allied countries about the manipulation of Ukraine and how he views the Zelenskyy regime: […] “while speaking to supporters on Sunday, Orban singled out Zelenskyy as part of the “overwhelming force” that he said his party had struggled against in the election — “the left at home, the international left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire with all its money, the international mainstream media, and in the end, even the Ukrainian president.” (link)


This put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the crosshairs of the western alliance, specifically the EU and U.S. bureaucrats who use their power, position and intelligence apparatus to manipulate foreign nations. A year later and now we see USAID Administrator Samantha Power in Hungary openly discussing her seeding of the NGO’s and political activist systems in order to generate yet another color revolution. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH


Samantha Power, the wife of Cass Sunstein, is well known as the Obama/Biden administration’s advance operative who uses her position in U.S. government to influence activism in targeted nations. Hungary is now her target.


Why is eliminating Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban now the goal of the Biden administration. Well, a reminder:


Hungary warned citizens of the west about the New World Order, created through Ukraine.


♦ Hungary continued to purchase Russian oil and natural gas. Zelenskyy and the Western alliance were furious.


♦ Hungary said they would continue energy purchases in Rubles if that is what Russia demanded.


The World Economic Forum and NATO/Western Alliance cannot permit a nation to stand on principles of nationalism. Allowing a point of contrast that would showcase the weakness of globalism and multiculturalism is something the western control system just cannot permit.


As a result, Samantha Power, the U.S. State Dept (USAID) and the CIA, are collectively running an operation in Hungary, seeding the groundwork for the next color revolution.


They don’t even try to hide this stuff anymore.


Just keep watching…. More will become visible, and our conversation will now have context for what comes next.


[FWIW, I always suspected S Power of being a CIA operative]

Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.18338878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8992 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428

13 Feb, 2023 12:36

German chancellor’s party suffers historic defeat

The Social Democrats slumped to a resounding loss at the hands of theChristian Democratic Union in Berlin


Germany’s ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) has lost the election for Berlin’s city parliament for thefirst time in nearly 25 years. The defeat comes as the nation endures record-high inflation coupled with an energy crisis.


The repeat election in Berlin was called after Germany’s top court ruledlast year that the September 2021 vote was invalid due to a number of irregularities.


According to preliminary results shared by broadcasters ARD and ZDF, the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) received 28.2% of the vote on Sunday – a nearly 10-point increase from 2021.


The SPD, which counts German Chancellor Olaf Scholz among its members, came second with 18.4%, just 105 votes ahead of the Greens, who also received 18.4%. The Left Party (Die Linke) earned 12.2%, while the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) came in fifth with 9.1%.


The results mean that Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) loses her seat in parliament to the CDU’s Olaf Schenk. The SPD has continuously held the mayoral post since 2001.


The CDU’s leader in Berlin, Kai Wegner, told reporters that the party was now focused on forming “a stable government.”


“We want to lead a successful coalition in Berlin,” Wegner said. “It’s phenomenal, and I can only say this: Berlin chose change.”


Giffey, meanwhile, signaled that the SPD could enter into negotiations with the Greens. “In the end, it is about who can organize a stable majority in the [Berlin] House of Deputies,” she said.


At the federal level, the SPD governs as part of a coalition with the Greens and liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP).


(Why isn’t Scholz and Germany mad about US & Norway blowing up Nordstream?)

Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:24 a.m. No.18338885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8992 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428

13 Feb, 2023 14:01

Most ‘politically biased’ corporations identified – watchdog

Apple, Coca-Cola, and Disney are among the companies prone to “canceling” those they disagree with, a report claims


More than 140 major corporations operating in the US are at high risk of targeting people and businesses for political reasons, according to a report from conservative non-profit organization 1792 Exchange. The researched was released last month, but only recently gained media interest.


In its Corporate Bias Rating, the group assessed over 1,000 entities based on “the likelihood a company will cancel a contract or client, or boycott, divest, or deny services based on views or beliefs.” The non-profit also tracked hiring practices, as well as whether a company uses corporate reputation and charity donations to “advance ideological causes, organizations, or policies hostile to freedom of religion or speech.”


The corporations placed on the red “high-risk”list include giants such asAmazon, Disney, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald’s, Johnson & Johnson, Starbucks, Unilever, Nike, and Walmart.The group also rated Google’s parent company Alphabet and Facebook owner Meta as highly prone to bias, together with Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit.


The companies rated as “medium risk” have “generally demonstrated willingness to advance one-sided ideological agendas,” and lack protections against discrimination of dissenting views, 1792 Exchange said. This category includes streaming service Netflix, clothing giants Adidas and H&M, video game publisher Activision Blizzard, and dairy and yogurt producer Danone.


Covid-19 vaccine-maker AstraZeneca, as well as Barnes & Noble, Wendy’s, Acer, and Siemens were among the entities rated as being at “lower risk” of bias.


Speaking to Fox News on Sunday, 1792 Exchange President Paul Fitzpatrick said activists use the companies’ environmental, social, and governance policies to “fill and weaponize” them in order to promote their own agenda.


In recent years, several major companies have been accused of introducing “woke” ideas into their workplace training programs. In 2021, Coca-Cola’s internal training course was leaked, revealing that employees were being advised to try to be “less white.”


Last year, Disney vowed to fight a law in Florida that bans teachers from including the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity in classroom discussions in kindergarten through third grade. Governor Ron DeSantis responded by stripping the Walt Disney World theme park of its special tax and self-government status in the state.

Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:30 a.m. No.18338911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>8992 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428

13 Feb, 2023 13:26

NATO flag defaced as ‘thousands’ rally in Paris

The organizers claim that some 10,000 people protested against sending weapons to Ukraine


A major rally against the membership of France in NATO and the supply of weapons to Ukraine took place in Paris on Sunday.


Florian Philippot, the head of the right-wing Les Patriotes party, which organized the march, claimed that it had gathered some 10,000 people and was the largest such protest to date. He said 25 smaller anti-NATO rallies were held elsewhere across France on the same day.


Videos from the French capital did capture a significant crowd of at least several thousand people, carrying French national flags and a large banner reading: “For peace.”


The crowd chanted slogans, including “No planes, no tanks, no missiles for Ukraine,” “Let’s get out of NATO,” “Macron, we don’t want your war,” and “No to World War III”among others.


At some point during the event, Philippot got on stage and used scissors to cut the blue NATO flag in half to the cheers of the demonstrators. “NATO means war,” he proclaimed.


The politician has been staging protests against French membership in NATO and the EU since the fall, while also harshly criticizing weapons deliveries to Ukraine throughout the present conflict.


Between 2012 and 2017, Philippot was the deputy head of the biggest opposition party in France, Rassemblement National (National Rally), which until last year was led by Marine Le Pen. After leaving National Rally, the 41-year-old established his own party, Les Patriotes.


French President Emmanuel Macron has been one of the few Western leaders to maintain contact with Vladimir Putin during the fighting in Ukraine. He has also spoken about the need to achieve a ceasefire that that wouldn’t “humiliate Russia,” much to the displeasure of the Ukrainian government.


France has nevertheless been one of the main suppliers among EU states of heavy weapons to Ukraine. Paris provided Kiev with Caesar howitzers and other equipment early in the conflict. In January, Macron announced that Vladimir Zelensky’s government would be getting dozens of French-made AMX-10 armored personnel carriers, often described as ‘light tanks.’ He also didn’t rule out the delivery of Rafale fighter jets, but said it wouldn’t happen “in coming weeks.”


Russia has stated many that by providing arms, Western nations have made themselves de facto participants in hostilities. “The line between indirect and direct involvement is gradually disappearing,”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said last week.

Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.18338943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8951 >>8992 >>8993 >>9018 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428


13 Feb, 2023 13:38


Fyodor Lukyanov: Here’s why the confrontation between China and the US is so strange 1 of 2


Trade is booming as military tensions increase, where is all this headed?

(It’s a hoax to try and convince the US Bidan Admin is not owned by China. See we are being harsh on China like Trump was!)

These are interesting times. At a time when everyone is discussing another political escalation between Washington and Beijing (see the balloon over American territory and the cancellation of Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit), theUS Bureau of Statistics has reported a record trade turnover between the two countries. In 2022, it exceeded $690 billion.


It is time to get used to paradoxes. To describe contemporary processes, derivatives of the term "hybrid" (something derived from the crossing of different breeds, varieties, species) are often used. So why shouldn't normal economic logic be combined with contradictory motives of geopolitical rivalry?


However, the question is: How long can this coexistence last?


US-China relations are one of the most interesting phenomena of the last half century. Last year marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Richard Nixon-Henry Kissinger U-turn, when the United States recognized Communist China, which had previously been a symbol of red radicalism. There had been no reform at all in Beijing, unless you count the Cultural Revolution, which was still raging. In a Washington bereft of today's obsession with “values,” they thought: If Maoist China is in opposition to Brezhnev's USSR, why not join forces?


It would be an exaggeration to say that Sino-American normalization decided the outcome of the Cold War in favour of the US, but it certainly made the Soviet Union's position much more difficult.


However the convergence of geopolitical interests at that time was not matched by economic interaction - Washington and Beijing were in different universes. It was only after Mao's death that the Chinese miracle happened - the world's then second-most important socialist country embarked on a market transformation.


The US-China political understanding proved beneficial - America became the Asian country’s caring and gentle guide through the capitalist jungle. The economic cooperation that began at the turn of the 1980s turned into a financial and industrial symbiosis in the early 21st century. More importantly, it became the backbone of the global economy as it emerged at the end of the century.


Since then, as Beijing’s rise continued, the question of potential conflict with the US, while ever-present, was not pushed too hard. On the one hand, Americans did not believe that impressive growth rates would make China an equal in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, for a long time (almost until the 2010s), American intellectual discussion was dominated by the view that as capitalist transformation progressed and the middle class grew, the Chinese political system would turn towards and align with its Western “inspiration.”


In other words, they expected something like Japan - with its own peculiarities, but generally understandable and loyal to US political structures. The fact that American troops were stationed in Japan and South Korea when each of those countries ‘transformed’, and that the whole process took place under external control, was considered important but not decisive…

Anonymous ID: 237f32 Feb. 13, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.18338951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8992 >>9239 >>9370 >>9428


Fyodor Lukyanov:Here’s why the confrontation between China and the US is so strange


2 of 2


In China, they believed, it will work the same way, but just take longer.


The past decade has seen a line drawn in the sand. Xi Jinping's rise to the top of the party and the state has shown conclusively that China is heading in the wrong direction from Washington’s point of view. And Donald Trump has legitimized the blatantly anti-Chinese course that Barack Obama had already implicitly pursued. Now, for the first time in forty years, political incompatibility has come into conflict with economic interdependence.


All current strategic planning in the United States is based on an imminent confrontation with China in the coming years, or perhaps decades. There is a bipartisan consensus on this, and these scenarios are discussed openly and frankly. Taiwan, which, if Biden is to be believed, the US intends to defend at all costs from absorption by the mainland, is seen as a pretext for a direct clash.


It is noteworthy that the recognition of Maoist China actually began with a deal on Taiwan - Washington would not question the unity of the country under Beijing, and the latter would take no steps to implement unification in practice. Both sides committed themselves to the ambiguous restraint that has been in place for decades. However, now the framework is bursting at the seams, and it’s fair to say that it’s the Americans who were first the abandon the magic formula.


At the same time, the US is imposing restrictions on the Chinese economy - targeting its goods and companies. Some of these measures are commercial and protectionist, but the majority are political and strategic. The aim is to slow down and ideally block technological development. This is paired to efforts to militarize the entire region and increase the armed presence of the United States and its allies there.


Yet, against this backdrop, trade is growing and the benefits of cooperation remain strong=. And there even seems to have been a softening, at the end of last year, which some cheerfully interpreted as a return to pragmatism. Blinken's visit to Beijing this week was supposed to cement this. But then came the balloon. A seemingly trivial event, but enough to derail the whole thing.


What did the balloon mean - was it a signal or an accident? What difference does it make in a hybrid age?