Anonymous ID: 8dec49 Feb. 13, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.18339440   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. Weather Balloons Especially in the Dark do not put out enough heat signature for an Aim-9 Heat Seeking Missile to target.


  1. The Aim-9 entered service in 1956, so, it's like wrist rocket against a hypersonic nuke as far as the technological gulf between the two. Probably much more so with those who've figured out Galactic/Time/Wormhole/Zero Point Travel.


  1. Bush Planes goes down all the time in the arctic/sub arctic regions which composes about 99.9% of the "Civilian Air Traffic" that NORAD claims it was "Protecting". Hardly anyone bats an eye when one of these go down because it is an affirmative choice and occupational hazard of flying in these areas.


Analysis: 100% Grade F Ridiculous Bullshit.