When does Jay Bird sing? When its ratt ass goes seaside with 6.
a+t2+t2= 5 is 9 a+t2&5&=35(3-t2)=1 351
t2+t2•5= 20 a+t2•5= 15 2015
Jay B ri
When does Jay Bird sing? When its ratt ass goes seaside with 6.
a+t2+t2= 5 is 9 a+t2&5&=35(3-t2)=1 351
t2+t2•5= 20 a+t2•5= 15 2015
Jay B ri
Concur. Predictive on Q’s part or chosen as a means of framing Q as a domestic terrorist/national security threat?
Frame is the game & problem reaction solution is in play.
Shut the fuck up A FaGaSoros PHDumbass.