Ain't putting the toothpaste back in the tube.
Try Harder dick
Are they gonna cry Hate Speech? Calling him Faggot would produce a "Homophobic Slur" charge. Would they say "The Woman yelled Anti-Demonic Slurs or Anti-Satanic slurs?" Openly calling him a pedophile was nice, Anti-Mapophobic slur?
She must be a hoot at the Catholic Church, or that's where she became outspoken towards them. I like the way the Brits call them
Pee-daphiles like Ricky Gervais
Is that from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?
=WOW at the comments==
I read it and it sounded familiar, I didn't make the reptilian connection. I guess that's why they say to listen like a hundred times. I think ill listen as I fall asleep tonight.
Thanks I will give it a listen , I usually listen to this one.
He is a Live Human Zoidberg
Imagine the kind of Darkness and Silence you would get sitting in a chamber in The Great Pyramid. It must be intense.