greenblat says "the holocaust, whether real or a hoax"
it's real and he is getting a fair amount of replies
should be trending so help spread it
greenblat says "the holocaust, whether real or a hoax"
it's real and he is getting a fair amount of replies
should be trending so help spread it
emp attack is not a new issue
the july 10, 2008 congressional hearing committee on armed services
46 pages
threat posed by electromagnetic pulse emp attack
a nation forsaken: emp; the escalating threat of an american catastrophe
michael maloof
us navel institute magazine called proceedings
emp threat
dec 2005
the one complaint i heard someone say was that the cars were marked with the proper hazard signs
but they had to call the railroad for a manifest to find out what actual chemicals were in the cars
all they knew was whatever was in the car was "corrosive" or whatever