Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.18433403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3439

>>18429139 pb

Robert Kennedy knows and has stated the C-A killed his uncle and his father.

Two important political leaders.

Which changed our USA destiny and the psychology of the new generation who came after WW2.

So why is there any surprise that the same ursurpers would bio-weapon USA and World citizens?

Old Ursurpers same as New Ursurpers.

Nothing to do with DJT other that they arranged it that he should take the blame (according to their self-serving Propaganda)


If Trump was in with them and their agenda why would there be death attempts against him? And extreme measures to make him politcaly irrelevant

Normies now can see that the owners of the Media, the Dems, the Rhinos - all of them are against Trump

wouldnt it be, and have been so much easier for them and their agenda without Trump, and without this Board.

That would've been a slam / dunk.


Hardly anyone the wiser, in such a case.

Trump didn't really want to go through this, but he had to get rid of HRC

and did it for Us and for our Country.

read Paul Manafort book … very good.

PS most people don't read anymoar, It's all screens?

RFK reads.


Garland is just "holding the fort" for him and his large group of co-conspirators, world-wide.

Really stupid people and shill will just "repeat" what he says; read "Orwell" - he's a meaningless small mouth movement guy. His speech is worse than simple chewing with the mouth.

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.18433439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3465 >>3478


the second link here might be wrong.

got confused with various breads.

getting error signals

Lets forever remember Breitbart.

Doubt it was a fake death.

Every time the dominators kill someone they end up putting up rumors that it was a fake death.

Like George Sweigert W. insinuated about Seth Rich.

Could be: but anon assumes it's a "fog of war" to take the heat off the killers.

Miles Mathis claims JFK was a faked death.

Hoping Breitbart was a faked death

(some "anon" are putting out a look - alike, that doesn't seem to ring right; looks more like a double)

The whole, Breitbart / Seth Rich / RR works for Trump BS doesn't fit into the context of the rest of the picture.

No, they really kill who they assess as threats, including the original Alex Jones?

That's how the manage Society, filling it with only one channel; theirs..

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.18433478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(some "anon" are putting out a look - alike, that doesn't seem to ring right; looks more like a double of Breitbart - insinuating podesta et al didn't kill him but that Breitbart is alive)

Har Har, they think they are so smart.


The whole, Breitbart / Seth Rich are not really dead, much like / RR works for Trump all BS & doesn't fit into the context of the rest of the picture.


No, they really kill who they assess as threats, including the original Alex Jones

That's how the manage Society, filling it with only one channel; theirs..

Does the lawyer RFK has a fool proof dead man's switch?

Would be more likely to believe that that to believe Trump works for NWO.

No reason for NWO to create Trump, even if they could - and they are way too inbred and stoopid for that.

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.18433517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


notice Breitbart is the outsider in this pic.

Also, nothing the culprits always smear the people they kill

Proved by SHILL

fuck head liars / mass murderers are so AFRAID of Seth Rich , Breitbart , Kennedy + murders surfacing,, the real story, they make-up lies to try to keep covering

"Jerry Ford was an honest man, Would never lie to the Warren Commission"

What is the one thing no one is allowed to say to Trudeau?

"LIAR" can' t call him a liar.

Wonder why?

They have to keep making up rumors that these victims of theirs are still alive.

The only one I believe, (off the top of my head) is Kappy. He could be in witness protection. photos of him dead on the road don't match his face

Didn't Joan Rivers allegedly show up after she was "dead" at a Hollywood party?

You know if Trump had showed up at Epstein island and was in the logs that would be constant news. It would be blaring.

Fact is they haven't been able to find anything on him; they just make stuff up.

Swigert said at one time, back in the day, that he knew Trump was also a pedo.

Swigert also profess loyalty to Obama, and blocked whoever criticized Obama or brought up Obama crimes.

What a coincidence.

for sure Jim M. was a fake death.

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:21 a.m. No.18433551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3569

Noting the culprits always smear the people they kill; and smear for a long time, unrelenting.


When Biden was a Senator (how did he get that post so easy, so unqualified?- that would be a dig)

he lied his ass off

It's in the congressional record.

if the crim conspiracy cult killed the Kennedy's Mlk, Mlk, on and on , why would they hold back from mass genocide?

they were never caught.

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.18433569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3605



"Funny|" how all the JewHaters are storm trooper, murderet, NaZi- enemi3es of Usa and try to smear us here with their stoopid Soros funded "cartoons"

Hiter was a cartoonist.

They must be paid by blood money.

Ukrainian Thugs

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:32 a.m. No.18433605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3667


Look how long ago "Biden" was shilling for "rogue states obtaining weapons of mass destruction"

And here and now he straight out funds them and does a give away to our former "Terrorist" enemies.

Who we fought for twenty years in Afghanistan.


Shouldn't he be arrested, immediately?

Anonymous ID: cf43b1 March 2, 2023, 7:46 a.m. No.18433683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701 >>3723


kafabe "arguement" by shill team

hoo hum

Everything said here is about themselves.

Propaganda by the book.


Notice how NATO is some form of their logo also have a blue stripe motif, as with st. James isle Temple of Epstein, etc.