This is no longer QR as in QResearch because most of the bigbrain work has been completed already. We are now QR² - Quantum Retards Resonating.
Double space nigger - kill yourself bigtime pref.
Are you calling me a killing machine?
>Let me tell you about Hell / Christ while I display my insecurity and vanity up front and center.
You are all doomed niggers because Christians are experts at getting raped and murdered.
In my past life I was the guy that invented putting Archers on-top of Elephants. I was rewarded with 3 virgins and a bottle of 600 year old wine for that idea.
Fish and tits. I don't understand the combination, there must be a lot of sailors in here.
You are still operating in binary? Hex is more efficient for data storage omg.
Why not just the tits sir? The fish imply stinky pussy or what?
The boomers have clearly fallen asleep by now. Around ~6pm, all standards of time, they fall asleep from their 10th percocet of the day.
It should not have been possible for someone to be that handsome, charismatic, smart and courageous at the same time.
Half the board were a bunch of Amish but they got nuked in Ohio is my theory.
Oh wait Amish can't use Internet.
Useless Christians is the problem. It's a fucking disease at this point.
Jesus was a Jew maybe you niggers should convert to Judaism.
Boomer that forgot to take their percocets for the day hence why up later than normal detected.
The only thing that keeps the peace is that everyone is ready to shoot each other.
is when everyone is ready to shoot each other*
Anyways I'll use this again sometime written properly to sound cool once more. None of you will remember this anyways.
Holy fuck you Religious folks are contradicting and confusing as balls; good luck finding any world peace with that jargon.
You haven't seen shit Watson.
Waht the fook is a Sabian and stop telling me about a Last Day faggot. It's called use your eyeballs, ears and feel your warm tingly heart which is where God meddles. Also He wraths there too.
>God will judge between us on the Day of Resurrections concerning the differences we have
God is judging you now
Fuck I've confirmed most people are actually psychopaths. No one feels the warmth in their chest. I can feel it on Command. You're all retarded. I don't even feel like talking about this I was quite enjoying calling people niggers and shitposting in general.
>you have to see yourself first before you can know God
You're talking to literally the Joker
>right now you're in the angry phase
Actually I'm mostly calm including now
Get raped and murdered in your Christianity.
>Love is actually a lot harder to achieve
I just told you I can summon the warmth on Command
Well, you are naive then, same thing.
You were defeated by a nigger, congratulations.
Some fag shit going on in my chest but not my assho.
No it's literally fag shit in my best. I know what anger is too.
Post more fish dumbfuck.
I don't think many of you are prepared for the actual rage that is out there.
You are hurting God posting that stupid fish next to His best creation that's for sure.