All the J6 stuff will eventually lead to everyone understanding that everything about Q is and always has been true. They are realizing other facts but missing the simple comms anons see and hear.
The Q Shaman (Jacob Chansley)
getting 51 months
is so simple.
It is a 6.
Comms about and to the sick evil cabal.
Why not 52 months?
Why not 50 months?
Now that all the footage is coming out and all are seeing fuckery with their own eyes, it will lead to Q at some point.
Q Shaman is going to be all over news again. Cognotive dissonance is a thing that will be painful for many as they realize they could have seen it years ago but chose not to, or worse, were unable to do so.
Realization that they were under mass hypnosis and have awoken will be baffling, maybe even horrifying to many.
The "smart" "intelligent" ones will struggle to say out loud they now see that the Q stuff is real.
THEY will get there.
May not ever say it publically, but it is going to eventually become painfully obvious.
Habbening slowly, but is habbening as this anon is seeing things daily.
Seeing the Great Awakening amongst Q deniers and all the news unravelling lie upon lie, is like watching a movie inside another movie.
SO thankful that I have been awake to all things Q since 2017. Otherwise I too would be really scrathing my head and in disbelief.
Those of us who awoke early on have truly been blessed. As the daily stuff is not maddening, more just grinning and holding in the I told ya so's.
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Benny Johnson
Top Legal scholar
on Q Shaman:
"Judge Royce Lamberth should issue a show cause order asking why he should not find Brady violations here and sanction these attorneys and THROW OUT Jacob Chansley's conviction."