Our POTUS paved the way and showed all how to do it. FakeFuckingNews. Take no shit off of them, confront them on their ideological biased reporting and throw it right back in their faces, on camera, on video. That's how that shit is down. Kevin McCarthy has learned well as has Kari Lake who frankly, is one of the best I've seen do this. She is a female version of our POTUS and actually, very smooth and forceful doing it.
I would like to be a WH press reporter just for a day. I would stand up and ask the black, lesbian faggot kunt Karin Jean Pierre this one question: Why do you endlessly lie to the American people? You know you're lying, we know you're lying, the American people know you're lying, the whole damn world knows you're lying and yet, day after day you stand up here and lie through your teeth making an abject fool out of yourself. Why is that Ms. Pierre? Why is it that you lie all of the time?