812 is our mission
Many including myself forgot our mission
Is this life some kind of advanced test simulation
Stay tuned
New controllers same as old controllers.
Cures released yet?
Any of the suppressed tech released yet?
Is she working at fox News yet?
Looking back, my life has been so wild and crazy. This has to be a simulation or something like one.
Judge Napolitano
I’ll tell you a story about JFK. So Trump, as you know, I was privledged to be consulted by him many, many times during his Presidency on the phone. He twice considered me for the Supreme Court, another story for another time.
But in one of our interviews, he said to me, don’t forget, I’m going to release the JFK files. I said, “I’m not going to forget it Mr. President, on the contrary, I’m going to remind you.”
He said to me, “Yes, you’re quite correct Judge I did say that, but, if you saw what I saw, you wouldn’t release it either. Some day when we’re not on a phone call with 15 other people listening (meaning people in the White House), I’ll tell you what I saw.”