When they do, I will kek and kek and then kek some moar.
I was just thinking that most people have a hard time with justice and some are so attached to their idea of these criminals, take elon musk as an example, are their minds ready to watch elon be lawfully executed? No. They prolly need moar info but even then, I don't think most would be ready to see his ass legally swinging from a rope around the neck. I don't think they would even feel comfy with obama swinging. We have to get some memes circulating to prep their minds that the punishment for treason is death or the Trump meme about there ought to be public hangings and we'll end this bullshit fast, etc.. I'm the kind that when I see a little bug struggling in the water, I pull it out and place it on dry land. I'm not into hurting people but I AM into JUSTICE and so is our God. Our God is a God of Love and He is a God of Justice. I feel like we have to get their minds used to the idea so that when moar truth comes out, lawful execution is the next logical step without even fucking blinking. We need to focus on treason, genocide and how dark child trafficking really is. (imo) IDK but I know we can get organized and launch the meme cannons. We used to have a "black ops" group on facebook, kmfao, where we would gather and pick a target Trump hating group. We would scout out groups and see if they were easy to join and once in, we'd invite everybody in the group. We had around 800 or moar of us. Once we were all inside the group we would wait quietly and back at the command post, we had the date and time set for us to strike. When the clock hit, we would ambush the group and plaster them with memes and counter attacks to their posts. It was soooooooooooooo fucking funny.