To the good hearted Anons who said some prayers for me last night, early in the evening, THANK YOU. Feeling much better and once again kicking ass. I love you faggots. Now, let's keep beating the fucking shit out of our Deep State enemies.
Was this mentally unstable fat lady ever identified and publicly shamed?
Definitely staying comfy. Somehow even when I look like this, like I do right now (Monster and all), I am comfy.
Keep fighting, frens. The new information that we are revealing soon will blow the lid off an entire industry, nationally and world-wide, and nobody sees it coming. Thank God that around the country, and even locally, we have security guards, double-digits of security cameras, and many patriotic God-fearing Americans who will not hesitate to exercise our glorious rights to self defense, conferred on us through our big, beautiful Second Amendment.