Anonymous ID: 09b9b9 March 15, 2023, 4:21 p.m. No.18514570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

even though I intentionally

did not capitalize

and speeled a word


(and then I filtered by ID) it still

messaged back to me.

but it's filtered so I don't see it.

the know-it-all persona that demands 'proper grammer, spelling, and punctionation' should read Wittgenstein and study communications.


the know it all person that depands perfect

is a well-known personality type: a damaged person unable to try and understand, a person who is unable or unwilling to hear the message

they close their ears and pretend to being perfect.


when making documents, such a directions.

or if providing laws, or instructions, mistakes are a problem


but in a communication between individuals if

there is a misunderstanding one can merely ask what is meant.

demanding perfection is a personality flaw.

it's anti social.