Anonymous ID: 08b37f March 24, 2023, 5:36 p.m. No.18575422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436 >>5813

Anons should realize we still have our own brainwashing to shake off. Sometimes it’s a hard fight. Q said it would be ‘up Is down’ and we have to fight its effects.


Some examples where we need to keep fighting.

Stop calling Jan 6 ‘a riot’. Only use ‘Jan 6 protest’.

Antifa protests have all been riots- destructive and violent criminal acts. But the media calls them ‘mostly peaceful protests’ because words have power and it builds a narrative and imprints on peoples minds.

Jan 6 was a protest. Yet the media calls it a riot to imprint that on people.


Never call a transgender person by anything other than their biological sex.


If you feel yourself using their propaganda terms, you just have to work a little harder at breaking the media control over your mind. Make a conscious effort to use only truthful terms.

Anonymous ID: 08b37f March 24, 2023, 6:38 p.m. No.18575785   🗄️.is 🔗kun




They hunt solitary most of the time, though they will hunt with other bonded cats or litter mates. But cats prefer to have social company. Feral cats all form into colonies. If they have extra food, they will bring it back or lead other cats to it. Not all cats, but the solitary thing is an old myth.