in normal world yes, clown world cheap replicas are perfectly fine. as long as it can make an x on the dotted lines.
it is so bad, I really am curious how they are going to try to say anons are crazy for seeing this bullshit. His skull is like 3 inches longer on top. It is new levels when it is this fucking obvious though, guess they do not have many giant trolls in central casting.
you might be able to discount some with photoshop or focal length of the camera perhaps but that new picture for sure is a different dude totally.
how long till his stoke is all gone and he speaks with a British accent and people still say that is fine.
so males can reproduce with males, males can still reproduce with women. Does that make lesbians redundant?
Fucking end times shit. I thought this was a joke at first. Fucking scientists just need to stop. Why Atlantis was sunk.
Well that is a shit deal I want my three titty alien bitches who lactate whiskey. Not three cocked homo aliens.
they got CRISPR dont need that either according to them. Pod people
digits. close as I can get as stoned as I am.