Anonymous ID: 055618 March 25, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.18579048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9069 >>9541

Putin: West's Weapons Supply to Ukraine Won't Be Enough to Outgun Russia


The United States and its European allies have sent tens of billions of dollars-worth of military equipment to Kiev to fuel a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Moscow has warned repeatedly about the consequences of these actions for regional and global security.

Western countries won't be able to deliver enough weapons in Ukraine to outgun Russia, President Vladimir Putin has assured.

"Threats exist, of course. When weapons are supplied to a country we are in conflict with, this is always a threat. As far how they can be assessed, of course we know about the plans to supply them," Putin said in an interview with Russian TV on Saturday, responding to a question about whether Moscow considers Western arms deliveries to Kiev a "threat" to national security.

"We see, hear about and know about these delivery plans. You mentioned one million shells, about the delivery of tanks. One million - is it a lot or a little? This is a significant amount. First of all, the leading NATO countries, let's say the United States of America, according to our information, produce about 14,000-15,000 shells per month…Ukraine's Armed Forces, according to our military's estimates, use up to 5,000 shells per day of hostilities," Putin said.

"Russian production, the military-industrial complex, is developing at a very fast pace - at a pace that many did not expect. And over the same period, Russian industry will produce three times more ammunition - even more than three times," Putin said.

Russia knows about NATO's plans to ramp up shell production to 42,000 per month by this year, and to 75,000 per year by 2025, Putin said. "We don't know yet what will happen in 2025, but right now, this year, 14,000-15,000 shells are being produced, despite the fact that Ukraine's military is spending up to 5,000 per day," he reiterated.

"We are concerned about [weapons deliveries] from the perspective that this is an attempt to prolong the conflict," Putin said, noting that "from the point of view of the logic of those who provoked this conflict and are trying to preserve it at any cost, [the supply of weapons] is probably the right decision. But in my opinion, this will only lead to a greater tragedy," he said.

Emphasizing that Russia will not allow for the "excessive militarization" of its economy to match Western arms aid being sent to Kiev, Putin said that to date, Moscow hasn't reduced civilian construction, health care, education and infrastructure development, but the West will be forced to do so.


"The [NATO] arsonists plan to send between 420 and 440 tanks to Ukraine. Here it is the same thing as with ammunition. During this period, we will produce and modernize over 1,600 tanks," Putin said. "The total number of tanks of the Russian Army will be three times greater than the number of tanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Even more than three times," he added.

Anonymous ID: 055618 March 25, 2023, 2:06 p.m. No.18579603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642

Gee I wonder who this benefits?


Biden issues warning to Iran after drone strike injures military personnel, kills U.S. contractor


President Biden warned Iran that the U.S. will "act forcefully" to protect Americans after a drone strike in Syria killed a U.S. contractor and injured five U.S. service members Thursday.


"My heart and deepest condolences go out to the family of the American we lost, and we wish a speedy recovery for those who are wounded," the President said at a joint press conference in Canada alongside Prime Minister Trudeau.


Biden prefaced his remarks by explaining that he had ordered airstrikes targeting "those responsible" for attacking American personnel.


"And to make no mistake: The United States does not — does not, I emphasize — seek conflict with Iran, but be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people," Biden said in his remarks. Biden said the United States would continue efforts to counter terrorist threats in the region along with coalition members like Canada to defeat ISIS.


Simultaneous attacks were launched at U.S. forces in Syria late Friday, according to Voice of America News. Preliminary information suggested there was a rocket attack on the Conoco plant, where U.S. troops are stationed.


Another U.S. service member was wounded in Friday's fresh trio of attacks, CBS News reported, citing an unnamed U.S. official.


Thursday, a "one-way unmanned aerial vehicle" of "Iranian origin" struck a maintenance facility in northeast Syria, causing several American casualties. One American contractor was reportedly killed in the drone strike. At least five service members and an additional American contractor was injured.


"At the direction of President Biden, I authorized U.S. Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)," Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said in a statement Thursday.


"The airstrikes were conducted in response to today’s attack as well as a series of recent attacks against Coalition forces in Syria by groups affiliated with the IRGC."


Videos on social media show explosions in Syria's Deir el-Zour, "a strategic province that borders Iraq and contains oil fields," Politico reported.


"We are postured for scalable options in the face of any additional Iranian attacks," United States Central Command Commander General Michael "Erik" Kurilla said in a statement Thursday.


"Our troops remain in Syria to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS, which benefits the security and stability of not only Syria, but the entire region.”

Anonymous ID: 055618 March 25, 2023, 2:10 p.m. No.18579620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9710 >>9714 >>9720

Putin names country behind Nord Stream blasts


The Russian president believes Washington orchestrated the attack on the gas pipelines


US intelligence agencies were most likely behind last September’s sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Russia 24 TV on Saturday, adding that he agrees with the conclusions made by veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh.


It would be “very difficult” to bring the entire truth to light, the Russian president admitted in comments to journalist Pavel Zarubin in the Kremlin. Nevertheless, Putin expressed his hope that at some point in time “it will be finally revealed what was done and how.”


The Russian leader then cited Hersh, calling him “an American journalist, who recently gained prominence in the world,” and said that he “conducted an investigation and … concluded that this blast was orchestrated by the US intelligence.”


“I fully agree with these conclusions,” Putin added. He did not elaborate on whether Russia has any evidence of its own to support this position.


In February, Hersh published a bombshell report on the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, accusing Washington of orchestrating the attack. The US has denied responsibility. In March, Hersh went on to claim that the CIA and Germany’s intelligence service, the BND, were tasked with covering up Washington’s involvement by providing an alternative story to the media.

Anonymous ID: 055618 March 25, 2023, 2:11 p.m. No.18579628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9710 >>9720

Epic Fail: “We Can Stop Him”, Unhinged Mary Trump Tries to Sabotage Attendance for Her Uncle President Trump’s Waco Rally


President Donald Trump’s unhinged niece Mary Trump, who has made a late-in-life career attacking her uncle, hatched a scheme this week to sabotage attendance at President Trump’s 2024 campaign kickoff rally in Waco, Texas on Saturday at the Waco Regional Airport.


Mary Trump is the embittered daughter of Fred Trump Jr., who passed away in 1981. Mary has become a minor celebrity in recent years by publishing two books trashing her uncle.


Mary Trump called on her 1,600,000 followers on Twitter to register to attend the Waco rally and then not show up, thereby denying seats to real Trump supporters.


It was a brilliant scheme thought up by the holder of a Ph.D. in clinical psychology–except that the rally is being held outdoors. At an airport. On a huge tarmac.


Mary posted on Thursday, several days after the rally had already been announced and was taking ticket requests:


Donald has a rally in Waco this Saturday. It’s a ploy to remind his cult of the infamous Waco siege of 1993, where an anti-government cult battled the FBI. Scores of people died. He wants the same violent chaos to rescue him from justice.


But we can stop him. If we book the 50,000+ venue, we can make sure most of the seats are empty when the traitor takes the stage.


We can no longer fail to hold powerful men accountable for their crimes against our country.


👇 Hit the link below—each mobile number can register up to two tickets per event, for free. It may not seem like a big deal, but everybody who does this will make a difference. Trust me…Let’s fill this venue with empty seats.