>Dude, I am the Spirit of Holy Truth.
STFU hooknosed inferior Bastard!
I see you mongrel fuckwits!
>Dude, I am the Spirit of Holy Truth.
STFU hooknosed inferior Bastard!
I see you mongrel fuckwits!
>A Jew word to describe anyone who dares to expose the Jew crimes.
The Jews aren't even semites. Funny mongrels!
>They just make shit up and throw it out there. Then they get their Hollywierds and their MSM and their puppet Politicians, to perpetuate the nonsense.
Aye, they thought we would follow the stars, KMAO: !
>The whole name is bizarre to me. A combo of three Gods. A name given by and angel?
All stolen from other civilizations and cultures.
This is Donar, God of the Germans brain-dead mongrel brat!