Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.18583702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3738 >>3840 >>4050

>>18583579 pb

Maybe FBI are so "by the book" they fail to even catch themselves when they aren't making sense - so they out themselves?

There's no "governor" on their crime machine? To slow them down or warn them as they become more and more ridiculous?

That 's why Hollywood is covering, with some new TV shows and movies.

That's how they bolstered their image in the past.


Comey lied under oath (means nothing to these idiots unless someone else does it) about "Russia Russia" trap set for DJT.

FBI tries to make lying a high crime (when they choose) But if it's their people "it's just a lie, big deal; there was no crime"

In Comey's and the other's case - trying to frame Trump - the crime is the crime; the lying under oath is just their PR.

We still haven't received the text messages between Strozk and Page.

Was some of the hype around "declass" done by enemies, to set-up false expectations? (see picrel next post)

Was it Comey with Page in London?

Look taller than Strozk.

People assumed Stroke, because we were fed the idea the two were lovers (which is likely just a cover for MANY people using that text system between them for coms.

when do we get that?

"Nellie Orh" looks lke the smartest of the bunch (she's had doubles though) - because she showed on her face consciousness of her crime -and how hot was the water she was in.

She looked angry.

I'd peg her as a full-blown Marxist communist Lesbian.

That type really believe they can "topple" the evil "Capitalist" system and bring in Utopia?

Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 6:49 a.m. No.18583738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3754 >>4050


muhjew trolling from 5 years ago

The only possible solution is making sure DJT is re-elected, cleaning up voting systems. And discrediting the owned lying treasonous fake news

"by the book" why do they claim we are "disinfo"


True, if the deep state arrests Trump it will create havoc? - which is what they desire.

check out the size of his following; in WACO TX after all.

pretty much out of the way town? correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 7:15 a.m. No.18583840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3878


"Nellie Orh" looks lke the smartest of the bunch (she's had doubles though) - because she showed on her face consciousness of her crime -and how hot was the water she was in.


She looked angry.


I'd peg her as a full-blown Marxist communist Lesbian.


That type really believe they can "topple" the evil "Capitalist" system and bring in Utopia?

Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 7:23 a.m. No.18583878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3885


who wrote this letter?

dunno in fact they are very blurry.


Includes part of the transcript of Bruce Ohr's deposition

He admitted he was working with the FBI because they were desperate to block Trump.

As I mentioned before, the real criminals have little to no consciousness of their criminality; they feel good about themelves no remorse, so often they will admit, even with pride what they did.

Bruce might've been handler by his "wife" who worked for MITRE!

Various images of "her" do not reconcile; same with between her and "Melissa" the alleged wife of [likely homosexual?] Stroke?

Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 7:32 a.m. No.18583932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3947 >>3955


maybe they've had a double for him waiting in the winds all this time, since he first had his stoke.

?does the new one have the bump.

You can expect fake news to be thinking.

Their "debunks" are always full of holes.

But the attitude "of course conspiracy theorists are stupid and wrong" seems to carry the day for them

Anonymous ID: 9a93a5 March 26, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.18584097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


last I checked Obama Soeta was a cultist, of the Eastern sort, rather than a Jew

Why do the shill keep diverting the conversation to "da Jews"

They sure can be sighted a glow worms when they do that all the time.

Barry is likely a Royal,

There's a overlap between Jews and Royals? Going back to Ramses, Moses.

The reason the cultists hate Jews is because of Moses - he forbid them their sacrifices?

Remember how Barry looks like he's cloned from Akhenaten. Those Pharoahs were maybe some Hebrews / Jewish; but they enslaved their own people.



They kill ordinary Jews with aplomb, so obviously they scorn Jews, their victimes, as do the "MuhJews" who swarm here.