Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 2:39 p.m. No.18597523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7883 >>8053

Tom Renz



The #Missouri Chamber of Commerce and #RINO House Speaker Plocher do NOT want #HB1169 passed. Why? Their handlers at the #WEF have said there’s a LOT of money in it for them if they block a bill that tells you when you are buying something that changes your genes. These people are crooks - CALL TODAY and DEMAND they pass HB1169 THIS session & that Parsons signs the bill.

Mar 27, 2023, 9:29 AM

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 2:39 p.m. No.18597528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7531 >>7883 >>8053

Biden’s Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland Completely Dumbstruck Over Simple Questions on China and Production of Critical Minerals


Remember when Joe Biden bragged about Deb Haaland being the first Native American cabinet secretary in history of the United States?


Deb Haaland was not chosen to be Biden’s Interior Secretary because she’s qualified for the job.


She checked a box: First Native American cabinet secretary.




History made. Deb Haaland is our next Secretary of the Interior.


— Evergreen Action (@EvergreenAction) March 15, 2021


And this is the result…


Deb Haaland was left speechless and stuttering during Wednesday’s appearance before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and related agencies.


Secretary Haaland sat in silence and looked like a deer in headlights before muttering a few words.


She is completely clueless and couldn’t even answer a basic question on China and the production of critical minerals.


Haaland acted like a little girl getting scolded and used a childish voice to answer questions.


This video is shocking.



Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 2:41 p.m. No.18597543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545 >>7663 >>7883 >>8053

JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon executive to be deposed in Epstein lawsuits


The deposition is set to take place in May behind closed doors.


Chief executive of JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon is set to be interviewed under oath over his bank’s decision to keep on infamous financier Jeffrey Epstein as a client as part of two of lawsuits brought forth by an alleged Epstein victim and the US Virgin Islands.


The deposition is set to take place in May behind closed doors, according to the Financial Times. JPMorgan banked Epstein from 1998 to 2013.


The lawsuits claimed that JPMorgan ignored several internal warnings regarding Epstein’s illegal activities and that the banking giant benefitted from human trafficking. The bank has called these claims meritless.


During the pre-trial process, communications between JPMorgan employees revealed a reference to a "Dimon review" into the bank’s relationship with Epstein.


According to the Financial Times, JPMorgan has denied that Dimon had any knowledge of such a review. A person familiar with the matter said that no record was found during the internal probe of Dimon being in direct contact with Epstein or being included in any discussions regarding keeping him as a client.


JPMorgan lawyers have resisted attempts to depose Dimon, and have tried to limit during the pre-trial process the range of documents handed over.


Judge Jed Rakoff denied in part last week the bank’s request to dismiss the lawsuit, and allowed some of the claims made against JPMorgan as well as Deutsche Bank to proceed.


Rakoff later ordered the bank to hand over communications regarding Dimon and former general counsel Steve Cutler from before 2006, when Epstein was first arrested.


Former JPMorgan executive Jes Staley is set to be deposed by his former employer’s lawyers in April, with the complaint stating that Staley witnessed and participated in sex crimes at Epstein’s residences and did not disclose such details.


A person familiar with the matter told the Financial Times that Dimon was originally set to be deposed in April as well, but lawyers argued that Dimon’s interview should take place after Staley’s.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 2:57 p.m. No.18597605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7623

Paul Sperry


NEW:Property records reveal Ukrainian luxury car dealer John Hynansky, who stands to lose some 50 dealerships in Ukraine from the war with Russia, helped Biden family pay off liens on their South Florida beachfront property with a $500,000 sweetheart loan

2:57 PM · Mar 28, 2023


Biden family's Keewaydin vacation home sold for $1.35 million to local architects

Jennifer Beeson


June 27, 2018

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3 p.m. No.18597623   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Paul Sperry


Biden nobly claims he's "guarding democracy" in Ukraine, but he's also protecting the in-country assets of top donor & Ukrainian-American businessman who gave a sweetheart loan to help bail out a Biden family beach home in Florida, aka "The Biden Bungalow"

2:26 PM · Mar 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:12 p.m. No.18597685   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Full attack mode.

Washington Post leading?

[Sample Past 5hrs]

Who owns the Washington Post?


What ABC agency is heavily tied to Amazon?


Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:25 p.m. No.18597732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7745 >>7883 >>8053

Honey, Joe Biden Just Shrunk Our Pension into ESG


Biden said that ESG is good for investors and offers high returns to workers and pensioners. Wrong.


President Joe Biden recently issued his first veto since taking office on Jan. 20, 2021.


Biden rejected a bipartisan bill that would have required investment fund managers to take politics out of their investment decisions and to stay focused on providing the best return to their clients as much as possible.


Why should you care? Because Biden was, in effect, saying it was permissible for fund managers, who have control of trillions of dollars in pension accounts, to take into consideration a company’s ESG score (related to how it stands on racial justice, climate change and LGBT issues) when they decide where to invest the money.


Workers and retirees are angry about this decision — as they should be. ESG is effectively a tax on your retirement funds, and it means you will have a smaller nest egg when you retire than if the money managers simply bought the top-performing stocks. Workers don’t want politics diluting the returns on their 401(k) plans and other pension accounts.


Let’s step back a minute. Social investment funds have been around for decades. I’m fine with it. As a matter of conscience, if people want to avoid investing in pro- or anti-abortion causes, divest from products made with child labor or avoid owning any fossil fuel companies, gun manufacturers, plastic companies or firms that don’t have enough transgender bathrooms — it’s a free country. These funds normally underperform the market, but that’s a decision of personal conscience.


I try to be a socially conscientious investor myself. I don’t like the politics of Ben and Jerry’s, for example, so I try not to buy their ice cream. But to be honest, I love their ice cream, so sometimes I give in to temptation. The Left tried to stage boycotts against Chick-fil-A because of some of the owner’s social policy views, but the chicken sandwiches are so popular that the crusade failed miserably.


But this new fad of ESG investing is entirely different and more nefarious. ESG stands for environmental and social justice governance. The idea is to promote racial equality, save the planet from climate change, and advance gay rights and a whole host of other related trendy and mostly left-wing causes.


ESG investing is perfectly appropriate when the investors are making their own decisions with their own money on where and what to invest in. But the scandal arises when fund managers that make investment decisions with other people’s savings, or pension plans start injecting their own political biases into the investment portfolios and choose company stocks they should or shouldn’t buy.


Fund managers, such as Fidelity and Blackrock, that pool their clients’ investment dollars and pick (hopefully) high-performing stocks have what is called a fiduciary duty. They are legally required to get the best return they can. Their duty is not to save the planet.


Biden said in his veto message that ESG is good for investors and offers high returns to workers and pensioners. Wrong.


A recent analysis by Bloomberg found that last year, ESG funds severely underperformed the market — in some cases by well more than 10%. Many ESG funds were divested from oil and gas companies, even though Exxon, Conoco Phillips and others were among the highest-return stocks. In other words, if you bought the stocks that ESG funds sold, and sold the stocks that ESG funds bought, you’d have made a lot of money in recent years. And by the way, given that more than 70% of our energy now comes from fossil fuels, how does it advance our well-being as a nation by closing these energy sources down?


Another study by Boston College professors in retirement policy examined the performance of ESG funds and found “the average annualized return for those with a state ESG mandate would be 20 basis points lower than for those without a mandate.”


My estimate is that ESG has cost the public billions of dollars of reduced returns on their retirement nest eggs. This comes atop the $30,000 or so that people have lost on average in their 401(k) plans after Biden came into office, and the combination of high inflation and lousy stock market returns overall.


The good news is that more than a dozen Republican governors are fighting back to protect pensions from “political influences.” They are telling fund managers in their states that ESG is a violation of their duty to workers whose money has been placed in their trust. ESG should only be allowed with the explicit approval of the investor.


In other words, politicians and community activists aren’t very good stock pickers. So keep your grubby hands off our pensions.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:30 p.m. No.18597745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7883 >>8053


John Solomon



Kentucky has banned ESG investing for public pensions. Would it bother you if your money went towards ESG investments?


Yes, absolutely 93%

No, not at all —profits aren't everything 1%

Okay, I'll be the one to ask: what's ESG? 5%

966 people

23 hours left


Kentucky bans ESG investing for public pensions

ESG investing is a practice in which asset managers make investments with a mind toward non-financial considerations, such as a firm's sustainability practices.

Mar 28, 2023, 5:29 PM


Kentucky bans ESG investing for public pensions


Kentucky Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear has signed into law a measure barring asset managers handling the state's retirement systems from considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investments with state funds.


Beshear signed House Bill 236 on Friday, requiring that such asset managers only consider financial factors and the interests of the fund's beneficiaries. It further explicitly bans "actions on nonpecuniary interests including environmental, social, political, and ideological interests," a summary of the bill explains.


State Treasurer Allison Ball celebrated the law's signing, saying "Kentucky now has the strongest anti-ESG legislation in the nation."


"For many years, pension investments were about maximizing returns," she continued. "Recently, however, there has been a destructive shift in investment methodology to use the savings of Americans as financial muscle to push ideological causes through the ESG movement. Kentucky has said no to this shift by passing HB 236, which clarifies that pension fiduciaries must base investment decisions solely on financial metrics, not politics."


ESG investing is a practice in which asset managers make investments with a mind toward non-financial considerations, such as a firm's sustainability practices. The concept has attracted scrutiny from Republicans due to concerns that this approach may constitute a breach of fiduciary duty to investors.


That scrutiny has grown stricter in recent weeks following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, an avid practitioner of ESG investing.


Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis moved to bar state fund managements from considering ESG concerns in January of this year. Earlier this month, the governor announced the formation of a coalition of 19 states to combat ESG practices. Kentucky was not among them.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:34 p.m. No.18597758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LEAK:No Vote on Possible Trump Indictment by Manhattan Grand Jury This Week


Another day, another leak.


There will be no vote on a possible Trump indictment by the Manhattan grandy jury this week, according to a leak to NBC News.


The New York City Grand Jury investigating the junk charges against President Trump reconvened on Monday.


Trump has been accused of paying Daniels ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.


Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the Stormy ‘hush payment’ case from a misdemeanor to a felony earlier this year in a effort to ‘get Trump’ shortly after the former president announced a 2024 bid for the White House.


Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker was the ‘mystery’ witness who testified before the grand jury on Monday.


According to NBC News, the grand jury not expected to meet Wednesday and will not likely be asked to vote on a possible Trump indictment this week.


NBC News reported:


The New York grand jury considering possible criminal charges against former President Donald Trump related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election is not expected to be asked to vote on an indictment this week, according to three sources familiar with the matter.


The grand jury is not expected to meet on Wednesday, the source said, the next day the panel was regularly scheduled to convene.


The panel has been meeting Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The sources cautioned that the schedule is subject to change, but that the grand jury for now is expected to return on Thursday to hear a matter separate from the Trump hush money case.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:38 p.m. No.18597768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7985

Katie Hobbs VETOES GOP Bill Eliminating Food Tax Amid Skyrocketing Inflation After Claiming “I’m Not Going to Say No to Anything If There’s a Way to Provide Relief for Arizonans”


Katie Hobbs on Tuesday vetoed the GOP legislature passed SB1063, titled, Food; Municipal Tax; Exemption, which would eliminate the grocery tax across the state, saving Arizonans money amidst the ongoing inflation crisis.


Senator Sonny Borrelli, the bill’s sponsor, told The Gateway Pundit, “she would rather have windfall taxes go to cities on the backs of people that need to survive on essential items like groceries consumed at home.”


Arizona Senate Republicans released a statement condemning Hobbs’ “unwillingness to help Arizonans amid crippling inflation.”


Governor Continues Unwillingness to Help Arizonans Amid Crippling Inflation


PHOENIX, ARIZONA- Senate Republicans share their extreme disappointment after the governor vetoed another tax cut bill that would have put more money back in hard-working Arizonans pockets while the cost of living remains historically high. Last month, the governor vetoed SB 1184 which would have eliminated rental tax, and today she vetoed SB 1063 which would have eliminated sales tax on groceries.


Over the past year, food prices have skyrocketed between 15% and 45% on many items Arizonans rely on to feed their families. Data shows that a family of four on a low-cost grocery budget currently spends about $1,000 per month on food. Right now, 65 cities and towns within Arizona levy a sales tax of up to 4% on food for home consumption.


“This veto is a disgraceful windfall for cities and an absolute gouge for families,” said Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli who sponsored the bill. “We’re not only paying inflated prices to feed our families, but we’re also paying more in taxes as the cost of food rises. Food is not a luxury; it is a necessity. A tax on our groceries is regressive and hurts everyone. Over the next four fiscal years, cities and towns are estimated to receive an average of $2.3 billion per year in state-shared revenues, which is an increase of S844 million more than the average for the last four fiscal years. And yet the governor vetoed this bill, only padding cities’ bloated budgets instead of leaving more money in the wallets of hardworking taxpayers.”


“Senate Republicans have been working toward introducing legislation necessary to provide financial relief to all Arizonans, especially low-income families who are feeling the tremendous burden of inflation,” said Senate President Warren Petersen. “It’s very clear the governor has no interest in helping with that financial burden.”


The Majority Caucus will continue our mission to reduce costs for food and housing.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Governor Continues Unwillingness to Help Arizonans Amid Crippling Inflation ⬇️


— AZSenateRepublicans (@AZSenateGOP) March 28, 2023


The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Hobbs was expected to veto this bill, as she did with the rental tax repeal, to stick it to Republican Lawmakers.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:50 p.m. No.18597813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7815 >>7819 >>7883 >>7988 >>8053

Donald J. Trump



Mar 28, 2023, 6:33 PM



The Brief: As Prosecutors Pursue Their Lame Cases Against Trump, His Support Rises


If liberal Democrats are trying to elect Donald Trump to a second term, they are succeeding.


The more they threaten to prosecute the former president on trumped up charges, the more his poll numbers rise as his base of support rallies to his defense. What’s behind the boomerang effect? All of the threatened criminal cases are transparently political, not legal.


Americans can plainly see this, and they resent liberal prosecutors interfering in elections by trying to knock out a leading candidate for the highest office in the land. Voters choose presidents, not prosecutors with a partisan agenda who are pursuing legally lame charges.


There are three pending cases aimed at Trump. Let’s take a closer look at each.


New York DA Alvin Bragg’s Asinine Case


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his predecessor devoted unlimited resources to scour Trump’s personal and business records. Failing to find evidence of a crime, the DA simply dreamed one up. But his legal theory of supercharging a dubious misdemeanor into a felony is not supported by the law, making his case not just absurd but pathetic.


The so-called “second crime” is a supposed campaign finance violation. But the law does not permit him to do that. A local prosecutor cannot charge a federal crime. And he can’t charge a state campaign crime because it was a federal election. Either way, the statute of limitations ran out long ago. So, this is simply a fabricated case that is politically driven.


If unclear the Manhattan DA is foolish enough to proceed with his planned grand jury indictment, Bragg will pay a price.


First, sources say there’s an internal revolt within the DA’s office by senior experienced prosecutors who are accusing Bragg of engineering the prosecution of a non-crime that is unsupported by the law and any credible evidence. Second, the grand jury itself may now recognize that Bragg snookered them by endorsing a lying witness, Michael Cohen, and hiding exculpatory evidence —which is both sneaky and reprehensible. It’s the kind of stuff for which lawyers get disbarred.


Only an incredibly dumb prosecutor blinded by his hatred of Trump would endorse Michael Cohen as a reliable or trustworthy witness. Among the many crimes to which he pleaded guilty was perjury. Cohen is one of the most disreputable and disgusting people you will ever meet. His name is synonymous with sleaze and dishonesty. It is mystifying how Bragg doesn’t comprehend this. Any half-decent lawyer will easily shred Cohen on cross-examination, leaving Bragg to look like the fool that he is.


The Department of Justice looked at the Stormy Daniels payment and concluded there was no crime. So did the Federal Election Commission. Why? Because the payment did not constitute a campaign contribution. All you have to do is read the law. It’s obvious.


But Bragg has apparently convinced himself that he can be a hero among progressives and Democrats by prosecuting Trump. Instead, history will write that he was an incompetent buffoon. The case will never stand up to the expected legal challenges.


It’s obvious that Trump was targeted for purely political reasons. Amazingly, Bragg’s now-former assistant DA openly admitted it in an ill-advised book that he published. Mark Pomerantz vented his hatred of Trump and reasoned that he had to be stopped because the former president “posed a real danger to the country and to the ideals that mattered to me.”


It’s the duty of a prosecutor to see that justice is done fairly and equitably. Disagreeing with someone’s political views or harboring personal animosity is not a basis for criminal prosecution. Indeed, it is a serious breach of legal ethics that merits disbarment.


Bragg and Pomerantz should be the subjects of a legal proceeding, not Trump.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.18597815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7988 >>8053


Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ Anemic Case


Like Bragg, Georgia district attorney Fani Willis vowed to nail Trump before she ever assumed office. She made it the centerpiece of her campaign. She had no access to evidence, mind you. She knew nothing about the case. But she preordained the outcome by promising to lock him up. This, too, constitutes an egregious breach of the cannon of ethics that governs prosecutors.


Once elected, Willis convened a special purpose grand jury headed by a giddy foreperson, Emily Kohrs, who suffered diarrhea of the mouth in a bizarre sequence of media interviews. At the time, I wrote this: “She (Kohrs) acted like a vapid and immature teenager who was smiling, gushing, laughing, and joking about a very serious legal proceeding. Batshit crazy noted some on social media. I don’t disagree. I know ten-year-olds with more brains and maturity. Kohrs made a mockery of our justice system.”


If Trump is indicted in Georgia, you can expect the defense to make an immediate motion to dismiss based on grand jury impropriety and bias. Kohrs managed to taint the jury pool, not to mention the evidence.


As for the law, Willis claims that Trump somehow solicited Georgia government officials to commit fraud in the 2020 election when he asked them to investigate voting irregularities. Given the paucity of evidence, that is an exceedingly difficult charge to prove.


Complaining about a rigged election and the suspected shredding of ballots in two phone calls to the Secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, is not enough. Nor is it a crime for a candidate to request that votes be “re-examined” because he needed to “find” 11,780 votes —the amount by which he lost.


To bring a legitimate charge, Willis would have to prove that Trump “commanded” an official to commit a crime that would alter an election. However, offering an opinion is not the same thing as demanding that someone fabricate votes. The statute requires a showing of specific intent. That is, Trump “willfully and knowingly” intended to violate the election laws.


Good luck proving that. The former president’s two telephone calls simply don’t show it.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:52 p.m. No.18597819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7883 >>7988 >>8053


Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Inflated Case


It’s bad enough that Biden’s Attorney General has been running a protection racket for the many influence peddling schemes that netted the president’s family tens of millions of dollars from malign foreign adversaries such as China and Russia. The AG didn’t bat an eye when the FBI pressured social media companies into censoring and suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story in advance of the 2020 election.


It’s equally bad that Garland ordered the FBI to treat vocal parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, to spy on Catholics, and to target pro-life activists while refusing to pursue abortion activists who commit crimes. Protesters were allowed to threaten conservative Supreme Court Justices outside their homes with no criminal charges, despite clear violations of federal law.


But all of that pales in comparison to Garland’s grandest political ploy. He assigned a special counsel, Jack Smith, to investigate Trump over the events of January 6th, as well as the alleged classified documents imbroglio at Mar-a-Lago that triggered an exaggerated and wholly unmerited FBI raid.


There is no evidence whatsoever that supports a charge that Trump incited violence on January 6, 2021, or that he was involved in an insurrection conspiracy. In his speech at the National Mall, Trump encouraged his supporters to let their voices be heard but cautioned them to behave peacefully. Under no construction of the law did he advocate imminent violence which the incitement statute and case law demand.


As for the classified documents dispute, Trump insists he declassified the records before he departed office. The law affords him unfettered discretion to do so. If the materials at his residence were no longer classified, then he has not run afoul of the law.


As I have written before, the Trump records are little more than a dispute over the custody of papers that is governed exclusively by the Presidential Records Act of 1978. This controlling statute is civil, not criminal. The proper remedy for Garland was to seek a return of the contested documents by filing a motion in civil court and allow an impartial judge to resolve any conflict.


It is not obstruction of justice for Trump to assert his rights under the Presidential Records Act. After all, that is precisely what Bill Clinton did in a similar case a decade ago. At the time, the Justice Department argued that a former president can keep whatever documents he wants, and the government has no authority to seize them.


Trump was following the same standard enunciated by the DOJ and endorsed by both the National Archives and a U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.


Moreover, Trump invited the FBI to take whatever records it wanted. A warrant was unnecessary and abusive. But Garland chose to criminalize a civil statute that contains no criminal recourse. Senior officials at the FBI correctly objected to the raid, but the attorney general overruled them and ordered a phalanx of armed FBI agents to descend on Trump’s home.


As it is with district attorneys Bragg and Willis, the pursuit of Trump by Garland is about politics, not the law. The true intent is to bludgeon Trump with the cudgel of investigations and threatened prosecutions.


Yet, the unintended consequence is that Trump is gaining even more support by those who see these prosecutors as transparently corrupt and abusive.

Anonymous ID: cf3f64 March 28, 2023, 3:55 p.m. No.18597832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8034 >>8053 >>8221


Kash Patel






NIH Kickback scheme under Fauci exposed??? @epochtimes FOIA requests returned showed Moderna paid Fauci's NIH $400 million in royalties, but his NIH redacted the recipient of the royalties inside NIH… When is congress going to subpoena Fauci's bank records and force Biden admin to unredact the royalty recipients?

Moderna made $37 billion on vax, and they pay government employees the equivalent of a kickback, how is that legal?

NIH royalties from 1991-2019: $2 Billion


Mar 28, 2023, 6:46 PM