disgusting and antisemitic
maybe if you get the shot for it
in group preference, while committing all manners of violence onto the outgroups
most critiques of China come from jew-sucking neocons, the jews have been doing everything China is accused of and more for decades, and still are.
no wonder the tribe is shitting their pants over q
they've been doing it in every thread for 5 years
downgrade jews to nationals and deport all who need it
not when you're a national
because the press is jewish and McCarthy was taking his own side in the fight
the jews just say everything backwards, the hoax is this bullshit article by (((siegel)))
McCarthy was warning us that communists would take over our country. You don't see that he was right?
lets see who is this jacob seigel
using the little truth (Hamilton 68) to sell you a bigger lie that McCarthy was wrong, and crazy. He was 100% right.
everyone knows the Russia stuff is a fraud, that isn't notable. He's using something you already know to fool you about McCarthy and communism.
speak for yourself glownigger
>lets see who is this jacob seigel
everything that's happened for the past 20 years proved him right.
not for a long time but you can browse TS without logging in now
kek he's right