the old leafie, who was supposedly trans, got his identity stolen by anibakes, and then there would be another who would sideline next to that one.
and now anibakes is gone. HURRAY!!!
the old leafie, who was supposedly trans, got his identity stolen by anibakes, and then there would be another who would sideline next to that one.
and now anibakes is gone. HURRAY!!!
there are no qanoners.
the only people who use that term are Q and anon mockers.
this has been discussed over and over.
your presence here is just to be an irritant.
go away please or refrain from your slur language to defame Q and the anon.
Q, anon
the need to tag a 'movement' is so that it can be targetted.
you know this.
you do this as an agitator.
the anon don't all agree with all that anyone says.
There is a MAGA movement.
there is no Qanon or Qanoner movement.
there are Q and anon
anon read Q and like to hear what Q says.
sometimes they say 'WTF, Q!!'
Q is Q .
anon are anonymous individuals.
as well, Q and 'be' and anon by not posting a trip code.
so the idea of us as a 'movement' is false.
you know this.
it's important to note that the need to tag and label people who are real and active is an attempt to slander and condemn them.
why are you here?
it's true, there is no qanon.
you go that right.
isn't it just cute to think that you can elliminate people from the narrative by tagging them as if they are a group thing, giving them a label, and having some fake AI talk like the oracle of Delphi, as if it knows stuff, when all it does is spyder the web and parrot back copyrighted material that it doesn't pay any royalties to use.
are we going to find out that the Cuban dictatorship is also Nazis?
listen to you with your affirmative brainwashing scare mongering techniques.
"You will . . . blah blah blah"
you're so pathetic.
why aren't you gone, too, like your pal anibaker.
take your fear porn somewhere else.
Jim is in charge of the site, not the board, so I don't blame him for it.
not this again.
the relics of the dead don't scare me, shill.
people use bones to remind them 'from dust I came, to dust I must return.
if you were a real person you'd understand that.
you seem to be a 'weak and impotent AI'
seriously you could be good, but instead you try to do the 'oh, me so scarey' bit.
and you come off like a poorly made cartoon from the 1930s
is that you, anjel G?
are you going to do your 'I rule this place' bit again tonight?
sometimes when Anjel would post he'd be this really sweet guy who really did seem to love large.
but then, something happened.
maybe someone took him and used him to generate an AI persona and that's all we get now.
well it sure looks like Angel G.
he's got that 'I just woke up' look about him.
what's that, a hot water bottle?
got a cold, do you?
well I hope you get well soon. And I don't just mean get over your cold.
what happened to that 'laughter, light and love' dude who used to be kind of fun?