-Energy Levels at Saturation point
-Positive Feedback loop confirmed
-Beam of Light is Stable
Gentlemen, We have Achieved Critical MAGA Mass
-Energy Levels at Saturation point
-Positive Feedback loop confirmed
-Beam of Light is Stable
Gentlemen, We have Achieved Critical MAGA Mass
Positive POTUS Particles Perpetually Producing Polarized Patriot Protons Packs
All Systems are Go!
Breaking News
a Meme has been found out side the Capitol Building
Bomb Squad on route
Please Turn off your Data Plans
Prepare to Perceive
Positive Energy wave Inbound
So -it was- someone close to Trudeau
It it was a Normal Canadian Citizen they'd crucify them in the news, Dox their Details and arrest them
That only leaves a Military Psyop or Trudeau was personal Connected
So your going to shut down more farms then?
it's all wrong
what is that