Filthy disgusting mongrels.
Filthy disgusting mongrels.
The courts never worked, the elections had the sheeple believing they had a fair system. Neither have ever been true.
The wolves have always guarded the hen-house.
Everyone is acting like any of this is new. You just see it more clearly.
Parole is the same as being locked up.
He probably cant do anything but work and stay at home.
Ask it how much power is required to transmit a radio signal from the earth to the moon.
He lost me the second he stated the book author he got these ideas from, A berg.
Dont be a freaking retard.
Now ask it how much attenuation due to atmosphere.
If you did your research, you would know he retired in Argentina and married a black woman.
Lots of Firearm Accidents.
Un-mirror your phone genius.