We're telling Americans to wake up.
Make memes about American people… minorities…. don't make it seem as if whitey is giving them the what for.
Because thats where you lose us.
it's sad what two months without an electrolysis can do
Its all poor inner cities and every shade and background lives in them.
Look at the poor water, food and living environments…
In my state there is an epidemic of lead poisoning that leads directly to public housing and their schools, but there is simply no room in the state budget to clean up the lead, which has proven to lower the I.Q. of inner city children as much as 30% over the last two decades.
How is THIS not vitally important?
they don't give a shat about any of the groups they pit against each other.
Antonio Johnson
Black slave owner.
Know thine history yo….
Here's the wikilink:
https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Johnson_(colonist)
What about posting memes that ask people to remember what it was like before they turned us against each other?
I'm sure you must also be aware of the slavery and slave trade among African tribes…?
I don't play.
I'm an American of color.
Get your facts bruh.
Oh wait, no… I got you….
Yeah, it's worth it Anon.
Sorry. Got you wrong, My bad.
Carry on !
I met this President many years ago.
He was at a big $ party for a sports owner.
He was nothing less than cordial, and appropriate.
He looked me in the eye when he shook my hand, and did not give off the slightest hint of impropriety.
He was genuine and warm.
I have met quite a few of these high level people.
He was normal.
The rest were only engaged when the flashe bulbs went off.