Blasie's Dad (she connects with Strzok too,remember?) did work at Stanford in an effort to "create" mind-controlled assassins; it was a big FAIL
The real perps use the crazy man / "lone gunman" as cover.
Tell them to go somewhere, stand; whatever. And are often on the payroll. Such as was the reputed assassin of MLK (i.e. Patsy) James Earl Ray wasn't even at the scene of the crime when Martin King was shot.
They can convict someone without actual evidence - withhold exculpatory and then frame them, lie, crooked judge.
In Ray's case they forced a confession, when he recinded it immediately they wouldn't accept it. Then denied him a trial.
Not tht easy with DJT, for them to frame.
They've tried.
He's too smart. Too many good lawyers whom he can pay for.
And too many eyes on it - that's why we're here?
They are used to winning - told they can never lose, believe their own hype, are so are brazen, even when outed.