Anonymous ID: c24d71 April 6, 2023, 8:24 a.m. No.18651564   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1580 >>1776 >>1819 >>1854 >>1951


Dr Shiva telling it like it is.

Calls Twitter Files a limited hangout.

Musk herding the sheeple into cages.

Offered to be CEO of twitter

Asked Musk if he was going to close the backdoor infrastructure the governement been using to attack 1st amendment.


interview in first 11am segment


Shiva built a diagram of the operation. Judge flipped out and sealed the case.



Shiva's site down.


here's archive


Anonymous ID: c24d71 April 6, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.18651819   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1832




Will Elon Musk Do ANYTHING to Dismantle the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Discovered by Dr. SHIVA in His Historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit?

This Diagram and All The Evidence Related to It Has Been Available on This Web Site for Well Over Two Years


Dr. SHIVA Issued a Communication to Elon Musk on October 30, 2022 Concerning His 2020 Discovery of the Censorship Infrastructure. The NEXT DAY, the Intercept Reacted and Rapidly Dropped their “DHS Leaks” Dribble to Deceive the Public.

On October 28, 2022, Elon Musk announces he completed sale of Twitter.

On October 30, 2022, Dr. SHIVA alerts Elon Musk to the existence of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure (Twitter Partner Support Portal) Involving Pierre Omidyar.

On October 31, 2022, Omidyar’s Intercept drops their “DHS Leaks” plagiarized dribble.


The Intercept “DHS Leaks” is NOTHING NEW But BLATANT PLAGIARISM of Dr. SHIVA’s Work That Has Been Available on This Web Site for Over TWO YEARS. The Aim of Omidyar’s Recent Efforts is to INTENTIONALLY CONCEAL that Pierre Omidyar, Intercept’s Founder and Funder, is the SAME PERSON Who Funded the Creation of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Discovered by Dr. SHIVA in His Historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit Ayyadurai v. Twitter, et al

The Intercept’s Pierre Omidyar is not only the funder and a founder of the Intercept, but ALSO, the SAME PERSON who funded the creation of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure discovered by Dr. SHIVA over two years ago based on his findings from his historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit. Those findings and source material were published on this website, and have been here for well over two years.


“DHS Leaks” is a Purposeful Dribble – a “Limited” Version of Dr. SHIVA’s Work – to Deceive People into Believing they Have Gotten the “Truth” When In Fact it is a Cover Up to Conceal the Larger Truth Which is Far More Damaging

Any true Investigative Journalist reviewing the diagram and documents that have been on our site for over TWO YEARS will observe that it was Pierre Omidyar – the funder and founder of the Intercept itself – who also funded The Center for Internet Security to create and house the infrastructure (EISAC) to launder censorship from government to Big Tech. How convenient that Omidyar owns the Intercept – which is branded as some incredible rag committed to “aggressive and adversarial journalism” – so he may use it at will to cover up (through a “Limited Hangout”) his “conflicts of interest.”


The Intercept “DHS Leaks” is a Cover Up Known in Intelligence Circles as a “Limited Hangout” – Designed to Give the Public a “Limited” Version of Actual Events to Serve as a Pressure Valve Designed to Relieve Interest Without Damaging the Larger System

In this current situation, Omidyar’s proxies at the Intercept – Fang and Klippenstein – did a “Limited Hangout” to conceal Omidyar’s involvement in creating the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure that Dr.SHIVA discovered during his historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit – the details of which have been up on this website for over TWO YEARS. Fang and Klippenstein are employees of the Intercept – the same organization that Omidyar funded and founded.

In order to appreciate the insidious nature of the Intercept’s “DHS Leaks” news story’s deception, one must understand the concept of the “Limited Hangout.” It was only recently that Dr. SHIVA came to appreciate this terminology.

A few days ago, Dr. SHIVA was commenting to colleagues that there must be a word to describe the process when someone appropriates portions of original source work, but only releases a piece of it to manipulate lots of people to thinking the whole truth was shared, when in fact that sharing of a pale version of the original source was to conceal a critical element in the original source. He was very fortunate that someone he met fortuitously a few days ago said, “Oh, that’s known as a Limited Hangout, a powerful technique used by the Intelligence agencies.”

Anonymous ID: c24d71 April 6, 2023, 9 a.m. No.18651832   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1846


What Is A “Limited Hangout”

A bit of online Googling led Dr. SHIVA to an article written by David Brown at ClearanceJobs (Source: which provides a wonderful definition and description of Limited Hangout. Brown states:


There is a term of art in politics and among intelligence professionals that is known as the “limited hangout.” Whenever one’s veil of secrecy is penetrated, spies or politicians can employ misdirection to distract the public. The technique involves disclosing a self-contained and sensational but relatively benign story to overshadow something more damaging. It’s a non-confession, with the agency or individual seeming to “lay all the cards on the table,” and assuage concerns that anyone is trying to hide anything. Upon learning the “truth” as presented, the public is mollified and moves on with no real scrutiny of note, missing the real story altogether.

It’s a kind of public relations pressure valve designed to relieve interest without damaging the larger system. The phrase was popularized during the Watergate scandal, when President Nixon and senior White House officials were recorded having used the term while discussing the merits of releasing manicured details about the burglary. They would acknowledge certain events and withhold others with the effect of clearing the president of any wrongdoing.


This concept of “Limited Hangout” is an incredible innovation. It provides government and those in power to manipulate the masses – the citizens – into thinking they are living in “democracy” and getting truths by their “investigative journalists,” when in fact they are being misdirected and as Brown says “mollified.”


The Key Steps Used by the Intercept and their Colleagues in Executing the Limited Hangout on Dr. Shiva’s 2020 Lawsuit Findings

Concealing, Plagiarism, Misattribution, and Prevarication & Manipulation by the Intercept to Hijack the REAL TRUTH of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Discovered by Dr. SHIVA Two Years Ago in his 2020 Historic Federal Lawsuit .

In this present situation, Omidyar’s Intercept – which is nothing but a government actor, as we will reveal – is serving execute a Limited Hangout to conceal the bigger truth of THEIR Boss Pierre Omidyar’s involvement in the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure they speak about and have plagiarized from our 2020 lawsuit.


However, the two proxies at Omidyar’s Intercept, have purposefully left out Omidyar’s involvement. This is “manicuring” the detail of the Censorship Infrastructure that was done to clear their boss Pierre Omidyar of having any wrongdoing in creating the infrastructure. Quite clever – insidious to be more accurate.

This process of executing the limited hangout required the following key steps:


CONCEAL Dr. SHIVA’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit;


PLAGIARIZE Dr. SHIVA’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit;


MISATTRIBUTE Dr. SHIVA’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit to others so as to bury the true origin;

PREVARICATE & MANIPULATE Dr. SHIVA’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit to hide critical elements to conceal.

HIJACK Dr. Shiva’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit to now “own” the content so as to release “half-truth”; and,

AMPLIFY their “half-truth” using the same folks who CONCEALED Dr. SHIVA’s Findings from his historic 2020 federal lawsuit.


The flunkies at Omidyar’s Intercept executed this Limited Hangout to censor Dr. SHIVA’s work and to conceal the involvement of Pierre Omidyar in the creation of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure discovered by Dr. SHIVA two years ago in his 2020 historic Federal Lawsuit. They executed concealment, plagiarism, misattribution, prevarication & manipulation, hijacking and amplification of their “half-truth.”

Quite unfortunate – for them, that we figured this out.

Well, “investigative journalists” are supposed to be sleuths, doing detailed research, and are supposed to dig, and dig for the truth. If over 200 million people knew about Dr. Shiva’s findings, why did they not know? Did they not know how to use Google? Did they not see the articles on Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit going viral all over the Internet?


Omidyar’s Intercept Executed Their Limited Hangout The Day After Dr.SHIVA reached out to Elon Must to Communicate the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Involving Pierre Omidyar He Had Discovered in His 2020 Historic Federal Lawsuit


On October 28, 2022, Elon Musk announces he completed sale of Twitter.

On October 30, 2022, Dr. SHIVA alerts Elon Musk to the existence of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure (Twitter Partner Support Portal) Involving Pierre Omidyar.

Anonymous ID: c24d71 April 6, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.18651846   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1951



Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Was the First to Expose to Over 200 Million People the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure He Discovered During His Historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit Ayyadurai v. Twitter, Et Al. – The Documentation of Which Has Been Accessible on This Website for Over Two Years

The Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Discovered by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in His 2020 Historic Lawsuit Over Two Years Ago


The above systems diagram of the Government & Big-Tech Censorship Infrastructure – with detailed references for each link – was created and submitted into the court record in Dr. SHIVA’s historic federal lawsuit – by integrating information from thousands of pages of source material that Dr. SHIVA discovered in the course of his lawsuit. This diagram lays out in detail the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure that enables government to launder censorship by “fill[ing] in the gap” so it may censor, silence, and deplatform individuals that the government . It is this infrastructure that was used to silence Dr. SHIVA during his run for U.S. Senate in the Republican Primary in September of 2020.

As Dr. SHIVA’s lawsuit states with clarity – up front in the preamble – (which Fang and Klippenstein clearly plagiarized – see in sections below):


Starting in October 2017, government officials concluded that though the nature of U.S. elections was decentralized – spread across 10,000 jurisdictions and using different kinds of machines (and diverse methods: paper and electronic) – was the best defense to cyberhacking, they needed to eliminate such decentralization because it was a hindrance to their desire to establish and use a centralized infrastructure with non-governmental entities to “fill the gap” between domestic government agencies who had no power to curtail speech, and federal intelligence agencies who were forbidden from curtailing domestic speech, in order to censor speech by surveilling, blacklisting, and silencing U.S. citizens, domestically, and thus allow government officials to violate the First Amendment without fear of being sued.


As Dr. SHIVA’s lawsuit detailed, the desire of government to “fill in the gap” required folks like Pierre Omidyar to fund the NGO, Center for Internet Security that housed EISAC to serve as the vehicle to launder censorship from Government to Social Media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. All of this detailed in Dr. SHIVA’s lawsuit and source materials such as the Playbooks which were read into the record.

Omidyar’s Intercept and its colleagues such as Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, organizations such as the A.C.L.U. claiming to fight for the First Amendment, and other high-profile Internet Grifters purposely CONCEALED Dr. SHIVA’s work.

Anonymous ID: c24d71 April 6, 2023, 9:17 a.m. No.18651951   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2038




Interactive diagram of P. Omidyar network

A review of the facts from our lawsuit will reveal that Pierre Omidyar is an Intelligence Asset. He was fully involved in creating the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure. To conceal this fact is the aim of the DHS Leaks – to serve as a “Limited Hangout.”

Some basic research will also reveal the extent of Omidyar’s influence and network.

For example, Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal / MintPress News report in their February 20, 2019 article, “ “How tech oligarch Pierre Omidyar funds regime-change networks and partners with CIA cutouts,” we find:


Pierre Omidyar – billionaire eBay founder; bankrolls massive network of regime-change organizations, which work closely with CIA cutouts like USAID and the NED

Partnered closely with many U.S.-funded outfits that fulfill the role the CIA used to play during the Cold War, supporting opposition media and civil society in countries targeted for regime change

Client of Frontier Design Group – U.S. government national security consulting firm; Omidyar Group was a client; Arlington, Virginia-based company focused on design solutions for national security problems; furnished reports for USAID’s Global Development Lab in February 2018; other clients include Council on Foreign Relations and U.S. Army Special Forces

Karen Grattan — a senior advisor at Frontier Design Group; founder and CEO of Engaging Inquiry, a Fairfax, Virginia-based firm that has enjoyed the Omidyar Group as a client since 2015. Also on its client roster are Omidyar’s Democracy Fund and Humanity United, as well as USAID and the Department of Defense.

Omidyar himself is named in the documents; the billionaire had apparently directed finances from his Omidyar Network Fund LLC into an “Offgrid Electric Ltd” in Seychelles – an island that the ICIJ itself called “a haven for dirty money.”

When ICIJ began disseminating its files to the media, activities like those of its major funders were overlooked. HERE IS YOUR LIMITED HANGOUT

Omidyar Network contributed one million dollars to help establish an International Fact-Checking Network through Poynter in 2017, with objective “to increase [Poynter’s] work as the premier advocate, convener and trainer of fact-checkers worldwide.”

In announcing Omidyar’s investment in the digital media site, Rappler touted its one-of-a-kind and arguably extremely creepy business model.

Using a patented user engagement model and a community mapping data analytics tool, Rappler tracks how stories and emotions move through its community. It starts with a mood meter on every story, an effort to capture non-rational reactions.

Developed with psychologists and sociologists, the mood meter is based on research that shows up to 80% of how people make decisions in their lives is not about what they think but how they feel.

This kind of multi-level approach — combining a journalism startup on the front-end with a behavior profiling risk management system on the back-end — is very much inline with Omidyar’s vision for how to use technology to manage society — and make money in the process.

Central to most of his investments is the use of user profiling and behavioral tracking to manage and run all areas of modern life: journalism, transportation, banking and finance, and government administration. To him it’s not just about running a single service, but integrating things together to give technocrats, business executives and government officials a God’s-eye view of the world — to manage and control society more efficiently.”

Omidyar’s wish to spark “bigger” social movements is not confined to the Philippines, nor to the world of media either. His Omidyar Network coordinates openly with U.S. State Department and intelligence cut-outs, acting as a private fund arm, much like the Ford Foundation did during the Cold War. Across the globe, he is creating new opportunities for himself by assisting the U.S. drive for regime change under cover of “democracy promotion.”

At the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative event, Omidyar’s Humanity United announced a partnership with Richard Branson’s Virgin Unite called “Enterprise Zimbabwe.” The initiative aimed to “catalyse investments from philanthropic and commercial donors to fund small and medium-size businesses and social development initiatives.” Today, the website for the initiative is inaccessible and Virgin has also scrubbed its page on it.